Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 7, 2013

Hi friends!  Hope you've been having a wonderful week and are ready to join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  This weeks prompts were:
Outside, Chatterbox, Comfort, In the Kitchen and Trees.  - I must admit that I found a couple of these very challenging. 

Let's get started:

OUTSIDE:  - This one was pretty easy except I didn't want to just show a picture of flowers so I went with this photo of the next door neighbors two grandsons playing outside in their yard.  They had no idea I was taking pictures through the dining room window.  It was funny watching their antics.

CHATTERBOX: - This is one of the ones that stumped me.  I had hoped to capture some noisy birds but didn't and also didn't want to show Coleen talking so what else would qualify?....Well how about what we often refer to as the Squawk box...especially after listening to some of Coleen's (tween type) shows.

COMFORT:  Another challenging prompt which I interpreted a little different.

I think of my faith as a source of comfort.  While this isn't the church I attend I couldn't resist taking some photo's here today as it's really a beautiful building and the pretty tree added to the scene.

IN THE KITCHEN:  - Okay we have the worst kitchen to take photo's in.  It's long and narrow, has not so great lighting and most of the time there are dishes some place on the counters.  Today they were clean and I figured a shot of the groceries I just brought home would work.

TREES:  Okay you get 2 shots for this because I love both photo's and since both are just pictures from a single tree (not the same tree though)  I figure 2 shots equals...tree(s)!

We have a lot of flowering trees in town and this is one from the neighbors back yard.  I think it's their plum tree but I could be mistaken.

Saw this Tulip tree outside a church and thought it was very unusual in it's shape so I stopped and snapped a quick photo to share.

That's it for this week.  Don't forget to hop on over to Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos) and check out the other hunt participants.


  1. Great interpretations Ida!
    Very nice choice for comfort and I love that tulip tree for shape and color!
    Everyone has so much in bloom. We have nothing yet. :)

  2. Very nice photos. I love those trees in bloom ...

  3. The trees are gorgeous! Sounds like a good week.

  4. Love your shots! That looks like a church in York, PA!

  5. Looking good!
    I especially like the last one.
    Have a blessd day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. I agree that the squawk box is a great name for the TV. That tulip tree is beautiful.

  7. We had similar thoughts this week on chatterbox. The tulip tree is beautiful. I had never seen or even heard of that before.

  8. Mmmmm......what's for dinner? :)
    Love those blossoming trees - nothing but brown here still, but soon enough our time will come!
    Love your take on comfort - my faith is my rock & my comfort too.

  9. Love your tree - beautiful. I find great comfort in my faith and religion too.

  10. My favorite has to be the kids playing outside - the best part of Spring.

  11. Such wonderful shots this week. I love what you used for chatterbox. So clever..


  12. I was under the weather this week so didn't get to the Scavenger Hunt. Love your interpretations though. I think you have it on the money with chatterbox and that tulip tree is gorgeous!!

  13. My kitchen is the same way...not a lot of light. In fact this whole house does not get a lot of light.

    Your photo for chatterbox was perfect!

    Love the tulip tree shot as well.

  14. I am soooo happy to see both trees, beautiful, beautiful blooms!! I enjoyed your set and thanks for your always kind comments!!

  15. Great set! I love the shape of the last tree and it's such a pretty color! I would have probably had to stop, too!

  16. That's a beautiful picture of the tulip tree.

  17. I love the tulip magnolia. It looks like someone has espaliered it. Thanks for stopping by HammockTracks.

  18. Great interpretations this week! That last tree truly is beautiful! :)

  19. Gorgeous blossoms, Ida. Have a wonderful week!

  20. I think your interpretations were great, especially the comfort, chatterbox, and kitchen ones. Very creative and the picture of the church is beautiful!

  21. What gorgeous trees you have around you- loving them

  22. It is always fun to look at your hunt pictures, Ida! Love the blooming tree especially!
    Hope all is well with you Ida, don't see you blogging much...


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