Saturday, June 22, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 23, 2013

Welcome!  -  Let's get started shall we on this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  The prompts were challenging (at least to me) this week.    Here they are:  Fun, Arts & Crafts, Messy, Blessing and Effort.

Click to Enlarge photo's.


Coleen had a lot of fun last night making and sleeping in a little fort area of the living room.  Can you spot her in the photo?
ARTS & CRAFTS:  Coleen helped me on this one by making a little craft project today.  Here she is with her cotton ball dog which Cuddles is checking out.  Sorry for the bad lighting,  my craft room is horrible to take pictures in.



The squirrels are rather "messy" with the peanuts I leave out for them.  Here's some of their left over mess after they've cracked open the peanuts.  You can also spot a little bit of a bird mess on the concrete wall as well.  Thank goodness it wasn't a big mess.
BLESSING:  Being able to take a road trip for a few hours today with Coleen and my mom was a blessing and seeing country side like this was also a blessing.

EFFORT:  This one was the hardest of all for me.  I'm going with a very loose interpretation here so bear with me.  Please note that Coleen actually took this photo for me out the window as we were driving by some of the turbines.

On our little excursion out we drove past a wind turbine area and got to see these things up close (man are they huge).  I suppose some believe this is an effort to find a better and cheaper way to generate power then electricity.  Me I just found them fascinating to watch.
So that's it for the hunt this week.  Do stop by Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos) to check out the other participants. 

Have a great day.


  1. Such a colorful blanket and yes I did see Colleen in the picture. Won't ruin it for others though :)

    I gave my cat the same look when he wanted to play with my emery board this week while I was using it!

    The wide open countryside...I miss it.

  2. These are fantastic, Ida! Love the wind turbines!

  3. I'm with you Ida. This week was very challenging for me too - especially effort. I think I redid my post a dozen times. Colleen's craft picture is so cute and the countryside is truly beautiful.

  4. Those last two are just gorgeous!

  5. I like your set. Coleen is a great helper and see she's got the photobug already. My fave is the blessings shot-a gorgeous landscape. And thanks for mentioning that cute little face under the blanket fort, I might have missed it.

  6. Coleen is a very talented photographer!
    Loved the project she was working in. And I could spot her in the little fort she built. I liked building them too when was a child. :)

  7. Your (and Colleen's) photos just keep getting better and better Ida. Well done!

  8. No doubt some nice pictures, I love those landscapes! Best regards!

  9. Your landscape shots are fabulous and it is always fun to see what Coleen is up to.

  10. Great set! The prompts for the last few weeks have been hard for me, too! I know Colleen enjoys crafting with you, love her dog. You've captured some beautiful skies in the last two images. There's a plant near by that makes these wind turbines. I've passed them on the highway many times. It takes a very, very long trailer to just carry one "wing." Enjoy your week!

  11. Wow! I love your blessing picture! It is gorgeous.

  12. Ida, Glad you had an opportunity to spend time with your Mom and Daughter. Your blessings picture is great!

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  13. Ida, I don't know where you live, but the landscape there is stunning. I love "Blessing" - those rolling fields and wonderful clouds. And Coleen did a terrific job on the wind turbines. I love that you gave her credit and an official copyright notice.

  14. Great shots - that blanket is fun all by itself!

  15. I love that picture of the field and the clouds. Very pretty!!

  16. Great shots all and I love your blessing shot especially

  17. Great shots all and I love your blessing shot especially

  18. Great shots all and I love your blessing shot especially

  19. Love Colleens cotton ball dog...and great job on the wind turbines.

  20. Ida-your country looks so much like my neighborhood-down to the wind turbines even!!!

  21. i really love the last two.

  22. I absolutely LOVE your "blessings" shot--gorgeous!! Looks like you had a beautiful day to enjoy your excursion. Where (which state) do you live, if you don't mind my asking? The landscape of your last photos remind me of when we lived in northeastern Montana--if you saw any trees, it's because there was a house nearby. (Living in Montana was the first time I'd heard the expression "domesticated trees," too!)

  23. Great shots! I love the little cotton ball dog!! How fun to sleep in a fort! Those were the days!

  24. Had a hard time finding Coleen in that shot but I finally did. I love, love, love that Blessing Shot. Have a great week, Ida!

  25. Stunning countryside shot! Beautiful!


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