Thursday, July 18, 2013

5 Random Thoughts and of course a little orange mixed in.

It's Friday and time to share a few random thoughts with you via Nancy's blog, (A Rural Journal) and Random 5 Friday.  -  Also along for the ride,  Orange You Glad It's Friday hosted by Maria over at Life's Sweet and Spices.

How's that for some Orange!  (My entry for Orange You Glad It's Friday).

Random Thought 1:  You probably know that my hubby plays guitar but did you know that in Junior High (they call it Middle School now) I played the Viola.  Not the Violin (my parents couldn't afford one of those) but a Viola.  The school supplied them for Free while you were in Orchestra.  I have an embarrassing story about running after the bus with my Viola Case in hand but let's just save that for another time.

Random Thought 2:  I love to bake (and eat what I bake, it shows!)  Today's baked goods....Strawberry Streusel Muffins.  They were yummy.  So was the new recipe I tried for Spanish Pork Steak today as well.  Big Hit with everyone,  didn't take any pictures though. 

Random Thought 3: Why can't I have every cute kitten that I see?  The neighbor kids brought down all 4 of Fluffy's kittens today.  My favorite though is a little Calico.  I'd love to take her but with 6 cats already inside it's out of the question.  But seriously isn't she adorable.

Random Thought 4:  I have a weird memory.  Oh nothing like Marilu Henner's  but I memorize license plate numbers, phone numbers, etc...super easily and I can pretty much tell you the layout of furniture for the rooms of every house that I've ever lived in. It's weird but true.

Random Thought 5:  I'm dying to go read the latest book by my favorite Sci/Fi Fantasy author,  Terry Brooks, (Witch Wraith)  It's the 3rd in a series and I just started it last night.  I usually only read after I go to bed though as I'm busy with other stuff during the day and then I tend to stay up till 1:00-2:00 sometimes as I get so engrossed in reading I forget that I need to go to sleep.

Well that's it for this week.  Do pop on over to Nancy and Maria's blogs and check things out.


  1. Lovely pics! I can't wait to hear about the viola story and that muffin is looks so tempting.

    Glad you decided to share it on Orange you glad it's Friday. Thanks for joining and I hope to see you again next weekend.

  2. Oh my that little kitty would be hard to resist but 6 others..I remember a good deal from my childhood, as an only child I replayed events, small and large constantly and surprize family and friends when I bring them up..those cupcakes look delicious!

  3. Aww, sweet little kitten! With two indoor and five outdoor cats, we have enough kitty mouths to feed at this point. :)

  4. That muffin sounds and looks totally delish! It is a great photo.

  5. Wonderful 5. The muffins look so good ... thanks for the recipe. I want every kitten I see so I know how you feel about that little calico ... she's a doll. Have a lovely week.

  6. I too wish I could have lot's of kitty's! Those strawberry struedel muffins look delicious!!

  7. that muffin looks delicious. i bet it was yummy. something you made? ( :

  8. YES!!! Kittens are adorable. I have an interesting Feline - "Jelly Bean the Kitty Queen." She would not appreciate a companion. This does not keep me from visiting the rescue cats at the pet store and leaving a donation to help the cause.

    Happy Friday!

  9. Yes, that kitten is adorable!!
    I love to bake and love to eat it too! LOL!!
    I'm not so good at memorizing numbers but my hubby can tell you every phone number I think he's ever had! ;)

  10. Cute kitty- that one would be hard to resist!
    Now I have just learned something new today about Marilu Henner- how intriguing!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. I played clarinet. I have some stories to tell about band, too.

    Love the picture of the music shop! Very cool. The kitty is adorable and if there wasn't a law against it, I'd be taking in every stray in the world. I hate for an animal to be mistreated or abandoned.

  12. That little kitten is adorable indeed! I want every one i see too, but we have four indoor kitties already.. soooo...

    Strawberry streusel muffins you say? I'll be right over! :)

  13. Oh mercy, that muffin looks good! And, I am like you, love my kitties and would have a bunch if I could.

  14. Oh, mercy, that muffin looks good! Makes me hungry just to look at it.

    I found you through Nancy's blog and look forward to reading more.

  15. I agree about the kitty's I would love to take them all home. Trouble is my Abby is a loner. She does not like other cats.

  16. Oh my goodness, that kitten is adorable!! I would want it too!

  17. Hi Ida! I like learning about my blogger friends! Those muffins are worthy of publication in a foodie magazine!

  18. How great to have a good memory..and no we can't take in every cute kitten and that muffin looks divine!

  19. Hey that strawberry muffin looks GREAT - I would love to get my hands on some! lol sandie

  20. Wow! That strawberry streusal muffin looks wonderful! We had a calico once ... she was kinda crazy, to tell the truth.

  21. That strawberry streusel muffin looks wonderful! We had a calico once and, to be honest, she was a bit crazy.

  22. Oh, I definitely wish I could bring home more cats! We had four, but two have died. It doesn't seem right that we have just two, but that's all for now. One is elderly and we don't want to stress her out too much.

    Those muffins look too good!

  23. The calico kitten would steal my heart, too! And your strawberry muffin looks SO yummy!

  24. Good morning Ida, I enjoy your random 5, I'd left a comment yesterday but I see it isn't here, I hope you receive this one for I've nominated you for the liebster blog award, you can accept or ignore it, it is my way of saying I enjoy your blog and would like others to too..Lynn

  25. Strange boyfriend plays guitar and his brother in law plays viola. Some one worked very hard painting those orange flames! And I agree, that kitten is so darn cute!

  26. That kitten is cute as can be. Oh, I have such a soft spot for cats.

    Love those muffins. They looks delicious.

  27. I had two calicos - one growing up and then another as a young adult. I do like them and like you, I wish I could take very kitten I see too.


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