Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Thing of Beauty

I've been view blogs this morning and came across a wonderful post from,
Debbie (It's All About Purple) about finding beauty that really touched me.  With all she is dealing with she still finds beauty in the simple things that we so often take for granted.  I had planned to share a photo today of some flowers from our local park.  After seeing her posts I went and edited my photo to add the quote and I want to dedicate it to Debbie because she inspires me to find beauty in my everyday surroundings. 

Here's to you Debbie,  God Bless you for being the person you are and for inspiring others.

                                                    -John Keats-
Click to Enlarge photo.

Please stop by and check out Debbie's beautiful butterfly photo's. Then go out and find some beauty in the everyday things of life. 


  1. A lovely tribute for Debbie. I'll visit her right now. Thanks, Ida.

  2. my eye's are filled with tears and my heart is filled with joy!!

    what a beautiful entry, picture and quote ida. i am both humbled and elated...

    i am so happy to have met you ida and to call you my friend!!

  3. Gorgeous shot, and I did slip over to It's all about Purple, touching and indeed an inspiring woman and what a great blog I've bookmarked her, thanks for sharing...

  4. You make me want to tear up and cry. I love to take pictures because that is exactly what it makes me do....stop and look at all the beauty that God has set right here in front of us. We are always in such a hurry, we forget to stop and take notice....until you get a camera put in your hands. Great invention, for sure!

  5. Yep, her post made me cry, too. Thanks for sending us over there. Beautiful butterflies are little love notes from God to remind us of how much he loves us. :)

  6. This is a wonderful quote, but nature is so ephemeral. I guess he means the beauty that we retain in our minds. Gardens bring their beauty back year after year, but the 'picture' changes through time and season.

  7. This chokes me up, Ida. Both the photo and the words are truly beautiful.


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