Saturday, August 24, 2013

SHS and Songography - August 25, 2013

Song-ography followed by Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

It's time once again to join Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) for Song-ography.  This week she went "way back" in time with the song, 
Summer Wind sung by Frank Sinatra.  I must admit I had never heard this song before but I enjoyed listening to it. 

So without further ado here is my interpretation of the song.  Mind you this one was a "tough" one for me and I may be out on a limb here with my interpretation but that's what makes this meme fun is that you can be literal or not so literal with the song and your photographic interpretation of it.

Click to Enlarge photos.

                            The world was new, beneath a blue-umbrella sky.
                                                 -Summer Wind-


Let's get started now on Scavenger Hunt Sunday brought to you by Ashley (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts were:  Back to School, Writing Utensil, Favorite Subject, Lunch and Recreation.

Again I am going to confess to having to get creative with some of these prompts. 

BACK TO SCHOOL:  School hasn't started here yet and won't until afte Labor Day (Sept. 3rd to be exact).  Today though Coleen and I walked down to the school she attends and I shot this photo of the front of the school.


Callie-Jo checking out some pencils I put on the floor to see what she would do with them.

FAVORITE SUBJECT:  My favorite subject in school was reading but when I asked Coleen today she said hers is, Science.  She loves to check out books about things instead of fictional stories.  Here she is at the library today listening to some scientific stuff about...

LUNCH:  This one was one of the tough ones.  So I'm getting creative here:
Coleen & I went to a park today and there were lots of people enjoying Picnic lunches there.  These yellow-jackets were enjoying a lunch of watermelon left by some picnickers who didn't want them invading their lunch so they placed the plates on a nearby table to draw the yellow-jackets away from where they were eating.

RECREATION:  Fish can be recreational...especially if you catch something like this:

This fun fish is inside the local library.  - I love that it's an,  "Art Carp."


  1. "Art Carp" is fun! Your Summer Wind photo is so pretty with that sun shining through.

  2. I like your every photo !!! That fish to be a recreation is well found !

  3. Glad you got creative this week. I knew some of them would be a challenge but you worked it out!

  4. I really like the lunch picture. Great capture, and the bees look so happy :D

  5. That art carp is so cool and colorful!

  6. I think what you captured works for summer wind. Nice little bit of flare captured!

  7. Ida, I like your interpretation of Summer Wind. The sun peeking through the trees makes it beautiful! Enjoyed all your photos!

  8. Fun post. Those yellow jackets can ruin a picnic way faster than ants! Bless Coleen for liking science. That's the one subject I stink at, and I embrace that. I no longer care. I do just fine with all the other subjects in the world.
    Great set today.

  9. Hey, as far as I'm concerned with Song-ography...the further out on a limb ya go equates with creativity! Great job my friend :). And thanks for linking up to Song-ography.

  10. I like all of your interpretations and I really like the architecture of Coleen's school!

  11. Amazing pictures!
    I especially love the colorful fish! what grade will your granddaughter be this year?

  12. That fish is so fun!

    Love your summer wind shot - I almost did a shot like that!

  13. I think you did quite well with your song-ography as well as scavenger hunt words.

  14. Great shots Ida! My daughter loves science too!

  15. Yes, wonderful photos! Beautiful as life itself!

  16. I have not thought of that song in a long time. All your photos are great! Fun visiting your blog this afternoon. Have a good week.

  17. that's a good idea to draw the bees away. they are always pesky at this time of year. I like your art carp!

  18. your summer wind image is amazing!!

    i love watermellon but i will pass on that slice!!

  19. Lovely photos - your songography photo is gorgeous with the trees and sunlight. And my favorite place to be is the library... :)

  20. I love them all. Love seeing Colleen immersed in her "science" love. Interesting way to draw bees away from your picnic...hope it worked for them.

  21. I enjoyed your Scavenger Hunt interpretations. Good job!

  22. LOVE YOUR PENCIL SHOT!!!! I need a cat. . . but, my son is allergic. Bummer! ;)

  23. I really love the school picture! The building is so pretty, I wish my school was that elegant!

  24. You did an excellent job of a group of words that stumped me. I just didn't even try....posted about my granddaughter starting school. I thought about using some of the pictures my daughter took of McKenna going to school, but that would have been cheating. And I still have a conscience. :)

  25. I can feel the summer wind blowing through the leaves, lovely picture.
    And the school seems like a nice inviting place! Good luck.


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