Saturday, August 3, 2013

Song-Orgraphy - Lean On Me & SHS August 4, 2013

Linking up again today with Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) for
Song-ography as well as Ashley (Ramblings and Photo's) for Scavenger Hunt Sunday. 

Once again I'll start with Song-ography 

This weeks song:  Lean on Me - Bill Withers.

I did 3 different pieces for this song but really like the 1st one that I started out with so that is being shown first and in it's larger size. 

Please click to enlarge all photos.

So which one do you think best fits the song and why?
Next weeks song if you'd like to participate is Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell.

Now let's join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday  The prompts this week are:  Body Part (any part of the body) Taken on Wednesday, Music, Guess What it Is? and Mirror Image.


Took this shot of Coleen's swimming instructor showing them the correct "arm" movements for one of their swimming strokes.


Obviously I took this photo on Wednesday.
Don't you love the "shades" this guy appears to be wearing!

MUSIC:  - Well I could say the above photo's for Song-ography fit this category but I went with something else and added a bit of creative license to the prompt.

It rained here some this week and after a very dry summer the little rain we did get was "music" to our ears.


The pool where Coleen swims has whales painted on the walls and when the water is still you get a "mirror image" of them.


See answer below..........

This little guy is made up of concrete and bits of broken glass and sits in my front flower bed.


  1. Although I love the first one, due to the lighting and the road which leads me somewhere...I'm totally lovin the actual photo of the third one for "Lean on Me". Those pops of red make it so interesting. So the answer is...all of them :). Thanks for linking up to Song-ography this really nailed it this week :)

  2. Wow! Great job with ALL the prompts! I love the body part pic! That is so cute! And I would NEVER have guessed the guess what it is shot....and your songography....wonderful!!! I personally love the very first one...I'm right up the road....very, very good job!!!

  3. oh great capture of that bee - you brave woman

  4. Your mirror image is a wonder! Very nice! Hope your Sunday is a good one.

  5. Fantastic! I just love your hunt this week. All your photos are spectacular and very artistic. I like your first choice for songography also.

  6. Ida, I really like the first shot with the road. I like the idea of following that with a friend. And I love the rest--especially mirror image! Super cool!

  7. Love your Lean on Me shots! The lighting in the first one is just stellar! Love the scav hunt finds too! The mirror image at the pool is awesome!

  8. Hi Ida...i love your photo for the lean on me prompt...down the road...beautiful light!

  9. These are great Ida- I especially love the mirror image. Well done!

  10. I like the first picture for Lean On Me and that first shot of the swim instructor. Well done on all of your shots (neat shades on the bee).

  11. Lovely images, and I like the song lyrics. Nicely done Ida.

  12. I would choose the road photo for the song. Not only is it a pretty photo but a creative interpretation of the song lyrics. Your mirror image shot is really cool and how did you get that bee to pose for you?

  13. Ida,
    I really like your music shot. The edit is perfect.

    I also like the first song-ography shot. The color edit/ overlay is neat.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  14. My favorite interpretation of the song is the first one of the road. At first glance I wondered what it had to do with "lean," then I got it. I'm right up road. How creative and thought-provoking. And also it's a beautiful, sunny photo.

  15. I like all 3. I think the interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. Images move us all differently.

  16. I like the first song pic the best but they are all good. Great pics all around!

  17. Well, for the Song-ography, I pick, all three!! They are all great and I'm glad that you showed all of them.

    I love your SHS pics. You are really good with textures. And I love the Whale mirror image especially.

  18. I like the 1st one as well to fit the theme song. Something about the leading lines on the road-love that frog!

  19. I ESPECIALLY like your first shot and the implication that if a person just keeps going there will be help up ahead. Don't give up!

  20. Great hunt! Love your Wednesday photo.

  21. Great pics! I think I like your first and last shots for songography. They are lovely! I also enjoyed your flower shots and that great bee!

  22. I like the first picture so much - perfect match to the song. Others are wonderful also!
    Pretty cool close-up picture of the garden decoration frog.
    Ida, I love your photos! You are really artistic!

  23. Your photos are awesome, Ida.

    I do love your first choice for the song.

  24. What fun photos!
    The fish mirror image is very cool!
    I would have said glass/stone fragments embedded in stone. The reveal made me chuckle!


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