Friday, September 6, 2013

Photo Art Friday - Part 2

PAF-Part 1 can be found HERE:

As I was editing and posting my photos last night for Photo Art Friday we had a huge Thunderstorm pass through complete with Thunder, Lightning, High Winds and Rain!  Crazy gal that I am I decided to take some pictures of the storm. 

So with my second post today I am sharing a few of the storm photo's because they of course have "Water" in them.

Clouds rolling in getting ready for the down-pour.  All those specks you see in the photo are leaves, twigs etc...from the high wind that came in with the storm.

This next shot doesn't really have water in it and is rather "blurry" but it's a shot of the tree out back that I park under.  Needless to say I moved the van until after the storm subsided as branches were dropping out of this tree and I didn't want a broken windshield.

The rain has started and Coleen wants to dance in the rain.

It came down pretty heavy for about 15-20 minutes.

After it subside a little I caught some water ripples on the drive-way and played around with the photo on Pic Monkey adding a cloud texture and some color effects.

I also caught this shot of Coleen holding her hand underneath the drain spout on my mom's front porch.  I added Bonnie's texture: Silent Memory to the shot, erased the texture off her hand and then used the Tranquil effect from Pic Monkey and a quote.  (Original will follow).


Finally a shot of some of the storm damage just up the street from us.  There were lots of sirens going off during this storm and tons of debris lying around afterwards. 




  1. Heavy rain and happy girl. Such a fine combination.
    The photo with her hand catching the water is great.
    All the best.

  2. The storm provided you with lots of inspiration to make some unique photos. It did seem to be rather a severe one though. Valerie

  3. A heck of a storm! Good thing nothing was damaged. Love that picture of Coleen's hand and the quote. Nice job!!

  4. I love what you did with the hand shot. It came out really beautiful. :)

  5. Amazing photos! Have to admit to having seen enough of storms for awhile!

  6. WOW!! That was some storm! Glad you guys were okay and I enjoyed the pictures! :)

  7. Looks like you had quite a storm come through! Love the picture of Coleen in the rain. We desperately need some rain around here. It is hot, humid, and dry! Have a good weekend!

  8. Oh....the "watery" photo of Coleen is so perfect for Photo Art Friday! We escaped the spite of warnings and some wind for about 15 minutes, it calmed down to nothing!

  9. I LOVE a good storm, nothing better!! You captured it well!!

  10. I love the photo of Coleen's hand and the water. And my favorite is of her dancing in the rain. Wow, what a joyful shot! Brings back memories of when I've run out in the rain and just danced :)

  11. Rain has a way of cleansing the earth, but sometimes, the wind make for a bit of a mess. So glad to see your girl dancing in the rain, I hope she remembers that when she's older.

  12. There is nothing better than being a kid playing in the rain..lovely photos...Michelle

  13. Looks like a gully-washer! I like Colleen's dance in the rain. :)

  14. Nice pictures, beautiful rain. The worst the damage!

  15. WOW WOW WOW!!! great stuff, Ida!! As I am reading this we are having thunder, lightning, and the low rumble of rain en route!!

  16. Love the two edited shots - especially the one where you added the could into the reflection. So creative, Ida!

  17. Excellent, you captured the rain and storm perfectly.

  18. I like the photos with the hands full of water.Ha de gott

  19. You have the best pictures, Ida! Coleen is so lucky to have you! Great way to catch the nature beauty in the different mood and keep the memory!
    Love your pictures!!!

  20. Coleen sure knows how to have fun. Love that shot of her hand and the effect you chose. Glad you did not suffer damage.

  21. oh I like the little hand with the raindrops on her. Exceelent takes.

    My first time in. I will be back.

    Have a nice time at wedding.

    I will be back to see what you have up next.

    All your photos are very nice.

  22. Oh I added you. I love photography as well.


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