Friday, September 13, 2013

Random 5 Friday

It's Friday,  Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!

It's been "one of those weeks" (again).

So now it's time to kick back, relax and enjoy some Random thoughts.

You'll find them over at Nancy's blog,  A Rural Journal.

Here are mine:

1.  This photo was a totally "random" surprise.  I saw a bug on this flower in my garden and snapped a photo.  The bug flew off immediately so I only got the one shot.  I was pleasantly surprised to find upon uploading the photo that this little bug had a, "heart" on it's back.  - Click to enlarge and you'll see the heart better.

2.  League bowling started 2 weeks ago and so far  I "stink" this season.  I'm guessing that I'm just not relaxing and the new changes to the alley's are throwing me off a little.  I hate change.

3.  I admit that I love dance shows like, So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With The Stars.  One just ended and the other one starts on Monday.  Mindless but fun entertainment. 

4.  It's been a super busy week here.  Had a friend visit on Monday, Tuesday was bowling league, Wednesday I had to take my mom and Coleen shopping for birthday gifts as well as do my own shopping.  Thursday was Greta's birthday and I baked cupcakes, wrapped presents, and we went to dinner and had a little party afterwards.  Fun day but also tiring.

5.  I missed my "naps" this week due to all the activities.  Yes,  I sometimes take naps and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Naps are great if you can fit them in...

    Love the heart on Mr. Bug. :)

  2. Nothing better than activities with friends and family.
    Especially when followed with a relaxing Friday :)

  3. i also, at times, watch "mindless's shameful ;)

    i can't bowl because i have finger nails and they always break if i try. i use to love it!!

    i can't nap, no way, no how!!

    pretty picture, paired with a great quote!!

  4. The thing I like about Dancing with the Stars is you don't have to pay complete attention. I usually read and watch. I like the dancing but not all the fluff in between.

  5. Oh, I take naps, too--not ashamed of it either. :-)

    That's a great photo! I've never seen a bug with a heart on its back.

  6. So glad you let me know Dancing With the Stars is starting Monday. I'd have totally missed it! I love that photo and the little heart bug.

  7. Serendipity is a wonderful thing! Terrific photo of the heart-backed bee. Hey, I've never broken 100 bowling in my life so if you ever want to feel superior, ask me around for a game. I can't even bowl on Wii.

  8. that is a so fabulous that heart and I am ashamed to say I didn't notice it until I began reading your post-I sometimes nap, I live in the land of siesta's so try to accommodate when I'm around those who is kinda against my nature.

  9. The heart on the bug is certainly cute as can be!
    I take a nap every day after lunch. I don't sleep well at night and it just makes me feel better.
    Sounds like you did have a busy week. I loved to bowl years ago but haven't tried it in a long time.
    I raked leaves earlier this week and am super sore just from that!!!
    Have a good weekend.

  10. Sometimes I nap too...there are days that I welcome a nap, why did we dislike them as children?? Beautiful photo, Ida and I too really enjoy Dancing with the Stars, just fun entertainment!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  11. Ida,
    No shame in enjoying a nap! I like to lie down for a little bit after dinner.

    Some weeks we just need to have fun. Glad you enjoyed some neat activities and family. Good Luck with getting back in the swing of your bowling game.

    Thanks for the comment you left me today. I am so glad that you have had good experiences with Agriculture and the wonderful people that produce our food, fibers and so much more.

  12. Ida, this is a lovely photo! The texture is beautiful. And I do see the heart! Glad you had a full week, even though it meant missing naps :)

  13. that is a well defined heart shape isn't it and lovely effects for your image. Songography sounds like a fun site too...I had one during the week 'Don't fence me in' post

  14. What a cool photo. Nice capture with a fun surprise. I LOVE to take naps as well. Just to busy sometime to get a chance myself..


  15. Nice sentence , on picture foto, greeting from Belgium.

  16. That photo is WOW! Who can believe the bug has a heart on its back? Sounds like you had a very busy week. Hope there's time for a nap soon!

  17. Lovely, lovely, photo..Ida! Sounds as though you have had a busy but fulfilling week..


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