Friday, November 1, 2013

Embracing Random 5 Friday and Photo Art Friday - November 1, 2013

Welcome! - Can you believe it's November 1st!  Wow time is flying by quickly. -  Thanks for stopping by today. 

It's time to join in with Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) for Photo Art Friday and also Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Random 5 Friday.

The theme for this month's Photo Art was,  Embrace:
I had a couple of things in mind for this and went with two different photo's of sculpture's around town that have some kind of an "embrace" in them.

Click to Enlarge Photos.

The first is titled:  Mother and Child and sits at the Carnegie Art Center in Walla Walla. - I find it to be a rather "odd" looking sculpture.  It depicts a Mother embracing her child but for the life of me I really don't see that in the sculpture.  What do you think?  I added some lyrics from Simon & Garfunkel's,  Mother and Child Reunion and used Bonnies newest texture,
Aged Vignette and some effects from Pic Monkey.

Which leads me to Random Thought #1 -  We have some "Weird" art work here in Walla Walla.  If this doesn't prove it perhaps you'll believe me when you see the one below.

This is the back side of a sculpture called, Large Covered Wagon which sits in Pioneer Park.  These two siblings seem to be (embracing) each other in a rather strange way.  Again the same texture as the 1st photo was used and some Pic Monkey effects as well.

Random Thought #2 - I bought "Way to Much" Halloween candy.  We only had 25 kids show up and I've got enough candy left over to last us for the next couple of months.  I miss the old days when you got lots of Trick-or-Treaters coming to your door.  I think it's fun seeing the kids all dressed up in their costumes.

This was one of the kids Trick-or-Treating downtown yesterday.  She let me take her picture (with her mom's permission).  She's a Lollypop Princess.

Random Thought #3 - Halloween isn't just for kids.  The parents taking the kids out downtown really go all out with costumes.  Here are a couple of my favorite's from yesterday.

See that pirate in the corner....

  I just had to take his picture.  So why is his kid dressed as a Dragon?

Random Thought #4 - Carving pumpkins is hard work but not nearly as hard as getting a decent picture of them was. -  I actually didn't do any of the carving of the pumpkins this year.  My hands were hurting from trimming my rose bushes earlier in the day.  Hubby & Greta did most of the carving.  For some reason I could not get my camera to take a decent picture without blurring this year.  This is the best one I got.

Random Thought #5 -  Sad as it is another Halloween has come and gone and now it's time to move on to Turkey Day!  One last parting shot of Halloween....

I have no clue who any of the people in my photo's today are but they were more then happy to let me snap their photo's.  Although this guy looks a little glum.  Perhaps he ate to much candy!

Have a great weekend.  Don't forget to stop by Nancy and Bonnie's blogs and check out some Random Thoughts and some awesome photo art.


  1. Love the costumes! The pumpkins turned out great!

  2. Great shots Ida! Love seeing all of the Halloween'ers as we never get any.

  3. i love yellowed tie guy. cute! i enjoy watching pumpkin craving. some r so n 2 it. very determined & all. cool! ( ;

    enjoy that leftover candy. my parents r taking theirs too the Food Bank at church.

  4. Love your tale, Ida, and those embraces are... well, weird ;) but beautifully treated!

  5. You got some great Halloween photos! I like to see how people dress up, too--some are quite creative.

    We have too much candy leftover too. I think I'm going to take some to the office and let my co-workers take care of it. :-)

  6. You seem to celebrate Halloween much more than we do!

  7. I love all of these Ida, Great Embrace images though.

  8. We had a low turn out for Halloween this year too. Don't want that left-over candy around so I stuffed it in the freezer. I like your pumpkins. They are hard to carve though, I must admit. When the kids were little, I would clean them out and let the kids draw faces on them, then when Greg got home he would carve them out with the saber saw. Worked for us.

  9. Wonderful the girl's dress, great colors a work of art, is exceptional, exquisite photos!

  10. Nice Halloween collection of photos, Ida. The lollipop girl is so cute! I'm impressed with your pumpkins. Your family has some serious carving skills! Glad you enjoyed Halloween.

  11. The mother and child sculpture looks like they are alien life forms. I didn't have any kids trick or treating at my house. Our downtown area does it up big for Halloween and I was surprised at how many adults were dressed up too.

  12. Oh my goodness! I love the Lollipop Princess!

  13. We only had a handful of kids show up and like you, had too much candy also. It was raining, so I did not take photos. The images you took with the captions are really nice.

  14. We only had a handful of kids show up and like you, had too much candy also. It was raining, so I did not take photos. The images you took with the captions are really nice.

  15. The sculpture was great and the Halloween. Ha de gott.

  16. Uh, yeah, you guys have some rather weird "art" there in Walla Walla! LOL!!
    Love seeing the Trick or Treaters, especially the little Lollipop Princess! The only kids that come by here are the two little boys from across the road.

  17. Very interesting images for the embrace theme. Like you, I am not quite sure I make the connection but your processing is so good. Nice work!

  18. That Lollipop Princess is so colorful! Smart mom :)

  19. You are right. You have some strange sculpture there. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  20. You are right. You have some strange sculpture there. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  21. Great post! I love all your Hallowe'en pictures. (I live in an apartment building and didn't see any trick-or-treaters, except when I was at the mall. Lots of kids there!)
    Also love the look at the sculptures - they are, er, unusual! Great submission for PAF.

    I also wanted to thank you for your frequent visits to my blog, and for taking the time to leave comments. It's much appreciated!

  22. Terrific, pics, Ida. and that lollipop girl is the best I have EVER seen!

  23. Nice looking pirate!
    I'm in the country and I only have two kids a year. My neighbors. I buy one bag of candy to make them treat bags and have a few Reese Cups left over.

  24. That lollipop costume is sooo cute. I'd love one for my girls. :)

  25. What a great post! Love your sculptural embraces and the processing you performed on them!!! Great photos, too, of big and little trick-or-treaters.

  26. cool and colorful Halloween. :) About the statues, well, it is weird.

  27. We didn't have too many kids also. Now I need to finish all the candy. :)
    Absolutely awesome costumes!
    Thank you so much for sharing all these pictures!


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