Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day

Just got home from the Veteran's Parade and wanted to extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to all those who serve our country and protect our freedom.



God Bless America and all our Veterans.


  1. Yes God Bless. We are celebrating in Canada also.

  2. So wonderful to honor them with a parade!! It looks like it was a beautiful day!!

  3. When my daughter was young, I was the leader of her Girl Scout troop. Every Veteran's Day I would take my troop to march in the local parade. I'd like to think I made an impression on those girls about the true meaning of this day.

  4. How nice that your town had a parade! I especially like the photo of the children carrying the sign. God bless our veterans.

  5. Wonderful shots for the day!
    From the sweaters and coats I see it must have been a rather cold day there. I'm sure it didn't dampen the spirits of those participating.

  6. very nice post, we watched Ceremonies almost all yesterday, spattered with WW1 and WW2 footage, stories, met (TV) the last resistant survivor of WW2 in a particular little town. I find this particular day overwhelming.


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