Saturday, December 28, 2013

Songography - Home for the Holidays Edition

Wow it's hard to believe that Christmas of 2013 is now just a memory but yet it's true. - All the rush to get everything done on time and the excitement that the day finally arrived is now just a part of the past and yet those memories will last the rest of my life.  I love being "home" for the holidays.  I can't imagine any where else I'd rather be.  I didn't take many pictures over the Christmas holiday but I do have a few to share for this weeks edition of SONGOGRAPHY hosted by Kathy, (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out.)


The Christmas tree with it's bountiful amount of packages awaiting opening bright and early Christmas morning.  We usually get up around 5:30 am to open our gifts.

Here is one of the few I took of Coleen Christmas morning after she opened one of her gifts.  I just love the happy look on her face.

I must say "Santa" was very good to everyone and we all were very happy with our gifts.  By the time we opened everything it was nearly time to head next door to my mom's house where most of the family was able to join in on the traditional Christmas breakfast.

No need to eat again until later in the afternoon after a spread like that.
All in all it was a very nice Christmas spent at home with those I love.

Looking forward to sharing more great songs with Kathy and with you in the coming new year.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day! Nice Christmas tree - so many presents! And wow, what a great spread of food. Happy New Year to you.

  2. fabulous shot of Coleen!! And my favourite I think would be that stick bun in the lower right hand corner, though I'd probably eat everything if I were there :-). It takes us a long time to prepare and then like a good dinner it seems to have passed by in a blink of an eye.

  3. Love the look of joy on your daughter's face. Priceless. Breakfast looks delicious.

  4. ooohhhh ida, so warm, so inviting!! LOVE the food and colleens purple hat!!

    ps....looks like the tree just cleared the ceiling ;)

  5. Ida, it looks like you had a joy-filled Christmas! Coleen's face is lit up with happiness. I love that photo of her. Blessings to you and your family this season and in 2014. I'm looking forward to your posts!

  6. Impressive tree, a beautiful illusion look, nice photos!

  7. That happy hat shot is precious. You'll enjoy that for years. Pure delight.

  8. Your tree is lovely! I love the look of excitement on her face too! Kids are fun at Christmas especially! Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I can't imagine being anywhere else but home at Christmas either.

    Thank you so much for your kind words! They came from one that understands, I could tell. Thank you again!!

  9. Coleen looks so happy! So glad that Santa brought everything you wished for. :)

  10. That face says it all. Happy New Year Ida.

  11. Ah, what a perfect Christmas! Your tree is beautiful and I love the shot of Colleen. The food looks wonderful, too!

  12. What a gorgeous tree! And happy faces are the best rewardfor all the running around before christmas! Happy New Year!

  13. Coleen's smile is gorgeous!


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