Monday, February 3, 2014

A Winter's Day

Well darn that Groundhog! - Look what happened here...

It started yesterday during the Super Bowl Game....Speaking of which,  Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks!!!  What a game.
Fred the cute kitten doesn't look so happy about the snow today!
Ghost, his brother is indifferent. - Both are now resting on my mom's front porch out of the cold.  Oh how I wish we could take them in but they are managing this wintery weather with nice, fluffy coats of fur.
The Doves were out eating the bird seed I threw out for them this morning.

The Crows were out to gathering up peanuts that I leave out for them and the squirrels.

The lilac tree, I just like the way the snow is softly falling around the branches in this shot.

A Trellis leaning up against our back fence made for some fun snow patterns.

Perhaps if the snow hangs around Coleen, Greta & I may build a snowman this afternoon.


  1. Lovely photos. Fred is a stunner! No snowfall here today, just cold and really windy. Again. Praying for an early Spring....

  2. Pretty shots! Fred is quite a cutie!

  3. what a busy place!! what a great quote, i love snow days. even when my boys were little, i loved having them home for an unexpected day for sledding and fun!!

  4. I hope ya'll got enough snow for that snowman! Pretty pictures! :)

  5. Great snow shots! I hope you were able to make your snowman.

    (I'm longing for spring, too! Unfortunately, we've got another couple of months of snow on the ground before that happens. Sigh!)

  6. Aww, Freddie and Ghost are lovely. I have two fluffy cats like that. X

  7. These are so pretty! We got new snow today, too!

  8. Beautiful! I really like the first photo!

  9. Really enjoyed your photos! I'm not a snow fan, especially as I was trudging through very slushy streets. Your header is lovely.

  10. Sigh....I wish the groundhog would give us 6 more weeks of winter 'cause winter hasn't really started here! I'll take all your snow!

  11. Lovely photos, Ida! I especially like the composition of the first one, with the snow falling on the evergreens. I know many people are tired of snow, but I haven't seen much this winter, so I'm envious! :-)

  12. Oh, it is a thing of wonder! Just look at the delicate pattern of the flakes in the last photo. You're so good to be watching out for all the neighborhood critters.

  13. I love the saying about the snow! Beautiful pictures!

  14. On your pictures the winter is beautiful...
    And so cute cats!
    Have a nice time, see you again at Random5...

  15. LOVELY snow shots and I know those crows and squirrels appreciate those peanuts! :)

  16. Completely dig your pics w/ & w/out the effects.

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