Thursday, February 6, 2014

Photo Art Friday - February 7, 2014

Welcome! - It's time to join Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) for Photo Art Friday. - I missed January's edition so I don't want to miss this months. 

The theme for this month is:  Graphic/Geometric/Angular.

Here is what I came up with.  Click to Enlarge - Original Photo's will follow the edited piece.

                                                "Space Rocket"

This is actually a metal sculpture on the Whitman College Campus titled:
(Angkor IV, 1995, Lee Kelly.) -  It reminded me of a rocket so I went with some edits from  Pic Monkey to give it an "outer space" feel.

                                              "Space Landing"

This one is actually really titled, (Pirouette, 2004, Micajah Bienvenu '86.)
Again edited in Pic Monkey with various techniques.

 Finally something a little less space minded. 

One of the buildings on the campus.  I used Bonnie's texture: Palazzo and then added a Cloud texture from Pic Monkey and a few other effects. 

So that's it for this edition.  Do stop by Bonnie's blog and check out all the other participants.  You won't be disappointed. 


  1. Great abstracts, Ida! I like them all, but the two "space-y" ones are my favourites. I love the effect you created.

  2. You are amazing with your photo art. I marvel at it. Wow!

  3. fantastic pixel magic - I particularly love the space landing

  4. I love all of these. Wouldn't it be great if the red brick building looked like your edited version?

  5. Oh my goodness you have a feast for the eyes to rival all eye feast here!! I love how you've played and am so glad to BE playing with you this month!!
    Well done and outstanding!!!

  6. You found some great angles to share. The first one looks like it transformed into a fantasy piece with the lovely colors. Very Nice.

  7. I like the before and after versions - and the after versions are so much more interesting! Great work!

  8. I like the space shots. Very clever.

  9. I like your 'space' edits, very creative! :)

  10. msotly I liekd the Space landing and teh last building images. Love the curves and lines in both images. :)

  11. These are great edits, Ida! and your snow shots are very fun!

  12. Yes , nice pictures , I like the processing ! Sculptures really lovely ! Greetings !

  13. These are wonderful, Ida! That second one looks like it could be the poster for a sci-fi movie. Great editing choices.

  14. All are wonderful, but I am partial to brick buildings...

  15. Well done, they are great images. Cheers

  16. Well I am truly late to the party but thought I would stop in anywho. I really like your space landing creation and the warmth of the campus buildings.

  17. Great editing!! Space landing is my favorite :)

  18. Terrific editing! Very creative.


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