Friday, February 28, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Happy Friday!

It's time to join in on the fun of RANDOM 5 FRIDAY  hosted by Nancy from (A Rural Journal).  Every Friday you can post 5 Random thoughts about whatever you want.  It's loads of fun so be sure to stop by and check out the randomness.

1.  Look who showed back up! -  This guy hung out in the tree or on the shed by our feeder for better then half the day.  I wonder if he ever got something to eat.

2.  The dentist finally called late Wednesday night (exactly 2 weeks after my appointment) with the test results.  What's weird is that he didn't say I have "good news" for you.  Instead he tells me the results say I have a...
Pyogenic Granuloma on my gums.  Also commonly referred to as a Pregnancy Tumor.  WHAT????? - So I ask is it cancerous.  He said no, they are generally benign and can be treated.  Long story short, I have to go back next week for another evaluation to see if he should cut out any more of the spot.  I'm just relieved it wasn't the (C) word.

3.  What's up with the weather.  Check this out...
      Forecast for Walla Walla, WA
  • 44° 20° -7° Today
  • 20° 17° -7° -8° Tomorrow
  • 33° 30° -1° Sunday
  • 46° 32° Monday
  • 52° 41° 11° Tuesday   
It's supposed to get up to 44 today and then only 20 tomorrow...huh?  I want SPRING!!!
                                                  "Let's play get that tail."
4.  This "Bachelor" season has been one of the worst ever.  First Juan Pablo does nothing for me at all.  Can't understand why the women think he's so sexy.  To each their own I guess.  Second, his accent makes understanding him nearly impossible.  Third....he's way to into himself (jmho) but apparently some of the women on the show feel the same way.  Yes, it's a dumb show but call me a hopeless romantic as I always root for them to actually fall in love.
5.  Men are strange...Hubby got a new laptop but has no clue how to use the thing and expects me to show him.  Well the laptop is way different from my computer and let's just say we've had a few tense moments since he got it trying to show him how to maneuver around the darn thing.  You've got to love him though especially when he does this...
     That's it for this week.  I hope you've enjoyed your stay.


  1. funny cats...funny hubs!!

    it's frigid here at the shore, more snow on the way...the hawk images are beautiful!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your dentist problem... But on the other hand it is good that news were not bad. Hugs to you, my Friend!
    We have pretty col weather all winter and looks like it is going to continue. I am with you about the spring! :)

  3. Well, I'm glad you didn't get terrible news on your gums. Hopefully the treatments will be easy. That's an awesome bird you captured!

  4. Oh, the weather! I am so over winter. I think everybody is. Glad the dental news was 'good' but don't envy you having to do another procedure. Good luck!

  5. Oh, you're just so funny. Love that last photo the best of all! My husband navigates in a woodshop beautifully, but a computer, not so much.

  6. Love your hubby's hat! :) Hang in there, spring is right around the corner.

  7. Birds of prey are hungry and cats are bored... lovly pictures.
    Have a nice and constant warm weekend

    (I still do not understand your temperatures, by us °Celsius)

  8. How could you be mad at that face? :) You got some great shots of the hawk. I can never get that close! I want spring too! I've been sucked into the Bachelor as well and feel the same way you do. I think most of America does at this point!

  9. Love the hawk, so glad your results didn't start with (c) too! Whew! And we are supposed to get to 70 tomorrow, but who knows, it's about 50ish now. Strange weather, even though we don't get snow here, it will be 20 degrees one day and nearly 80 the next. It's a wonder I've been sick since November.

  10. lol...with your hubby. I use to live and breathe for Bachelor season, but somewhere along the line, the studio execs just got the worse singles to make it exciting and full of drama for ratings. Ok, a little drama is ok but that's expected because the very nature of women/men being thrown together and competing in this social experiment. Glad you don't have the "C" word. I hate that word. TGIF Ida

  11. Beautiful bird. Best of luck with your gums! And yes, men are weird. But that's an awfully cute picture!

  12. what is that on your husband's head? a hat, i am guessing. hee haah!! giggles. that is too funny!! ( :

    i am wondering about this cancer you are speaking of - that is new to me? please keep us posted. thinking about ya.

  13. That's a great look for your husband! lol

  14. I love the hawks. I saw two flying around the field next door today. I've never seen a pair in five years. I hope they are a pair.
    Good news from your dentist! I've never heard of a Pregnancy Tumor. I'd be scared to hear the word. LOL
    Your husband must be a really good sport. He does know you posted this right?

  15. Happy you found out what is going on from your dentist, first time I have heard of it.

    Liked the last HAPPY pic . . .

    Enjoy a randomly happy weekend!

  16. Lol on your hubby! He must have a grand sense of humor

    And thanks for cluing me in on Juan Pable. I saw someone else mention him in a blog post and had no idea who he was. :)

  17. Those are some tack sharp clicks of the hawk! Hope he got a meal but didn't eat birds.. :) Even if you have to have more work done on your gums I am happy it was not a serious problem. The weather is off the charts crazy! Yes men are strange. Good Morning Ida! Visiting from Random 5.

  18. I think computers, husbands and wives are like one trying to teach the other to drive...or something like this :) the hawk is beautiful, I just love them.

  19. The hubby photo made me laugh! Tell him to go to the computer store to see if they offer free classes. That's what i did. YouTube is also great...but then you will have to show him how to download and work it! Have fun.

  20. Fantastic shot of the hawk! Very nice!

  21. Glad you received good news from the dentist.
    With windchill, our "feels like" temp this morning is -43. What a way to welcome March.
    That's a great hat!!

  22. Ida, I was smiling at the photo of the cats, then I saw the last picture! Your husband wears that hat well, not everyone could (or would). Thanks for the chuckle!


  23. Take the laptop and trade him the computer :-)

    Your hawk photos are just fantastic!

  24. What a beautiful hawk. I have them come to my yard too. Unfortunately they get a songbird every time they show up. I had to laugh about your Hubby and his laptop! My Hubbers was the same when I bought him a laptop a couple of years ago. He had never used a computer before! Tell your guy I love his hat!

  25. Nice hawk, strange hat! LOL.

  26. Our weather is pretty neurotic too. A high of 1 degree tomorrow. I'm not happy. Glad the news was good from the dentist. Well, not worse than it was. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  27. So glad you got your owl shot. the one of the cats playing is wonderful and the last one made me laugh.

    Glad your pregnancy tumor is not cancerous...never thought those words would all be in the same sentence together, did you?

  28. Thanks for following! Yes, I had that raccoon commercial in mind when I did that post. I loved it. I'm so blind it could happen to me!

  29. That man is a keeper for sure! lol

  30. Great photos. I am so glad you finally got the call from the dentist.
    Does Coleen know grandpa has her hat on?? haha

    Wishing you guys a nice week.

    Keep us posted on the dental visit.

  31. Great photos as always. I love the bird and I love the cat shots, but my favourite is the one of your husband! What a character!
    Hope your dental appointment goes well.

  32. More great photos of the hawk! Looks like the kitties are getting along. Yes, you can forgive anything when your guy wears a hat like that. Glad your dentist didn't say the "C" word.

  33. Great captures of the hawk...must say I understand those tense moments;-)

  34. Looks like you had a very random week.

  35. Oh my....I'm totally with you on The Bachelor this season. It's like watching a train wreck. You just can't help but want to see the wreckage! But the entire process is a bit whacked out. Hope you and hubby can find some common ground with the laptop tutoring!

  36. hehe... love the last photo :) I hope you are able to figure the laptop out - it seems like technology is always changing and we're having to learn something new all the time.

    Hugs to you, dear Ida!


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