Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Zoom In, Zoom Out and Wild Bird Wednesday

Today I am sharing some photo's I took this past Saturday of a Blue Heron at Mill Creek near the Community College Campus here in Walla Walla.
Coleen and I went for a little drive to see what we could find to photograph and spotted it.

I'll be sharing with Helena's Zoom In Zoom Out Meme and Stewart's - Wild Bird Wednesday.
Click to enlarge photos.
First the Zoom Out shot as we first saw the Heron:
It then decided to fly and as luck would have it, it flew straight towards me.  So I just kept snapping away.  Zooming in....
Ready or not here I come.
Start to engage landing gear...
Landing gear down....
Touch down. - I love how ruffled the feathers are on it's chest in this shot.
Let's pose for a the camera.
We're off again!


  1. Wow, Ida, it always fascinates me how they stick that landing :) Great photos!

  2. Great series of shots.

  3. Oh My Gosh - this is FANTASTIC! You got some really great shots and wonderful detail.

  4. Lovely shots of the beautiful heron.

  5. Terrific sequence of shots! I love the Blue Herons; however, they're very hard to get close enough to for decent shots around here.

  6. Great photos! And how lucky that the heron "posed" for you.

  7. amazing shots....if that had been me taking the first photo, the heron would have flown the other direction!!

  8. Wonderful series of shots! I don't see how they take the cold in winter!

  9. Nice sequence! This is one of my favorite birds!

  10. LOL this was fun as I was starting to wonder if he was going to crash into you :) GREAT shots and FUN post! :)

  11. These are GREAT Ida, what a beautiful series!! I am forever chasing these beautiful birds and rarely get images this good!!

    I see an orange like spot on both wings, I have never noticed that before!!

    Nice take off splash!!

  12. Wow! What a wonderful series of shots, Ida! And what a thrill it must have been to see that beautiful bird.

  13. Wow, you were certainly at the right spot at the right time :) Excellent pictures, Ida. Hugs to you!

  14. Great shots and who has not had a bad feather day!

  15. Absolutely fabulous! I love that you just kept clicking and the commentary is great.

  16. fabulous sequence - I always try to capture the swans when they fly but rarely manage good shots

  17. How wonderful that you kept your composure and kept snapping.
    Well done series of shots!

  18. Awesome photos!!!! Wow, wow, wow! Great job, Ida.

  19. Enjoyed watching the coming and going of one of my favorite birds.

  20. Enjoyed watching the coming and going of one of my favorite birds.

  21. Wow! Good job, Ida! Those pics are fabulous. I've only seen photos of them standing, but not flying, so the color of his dark wings is a surprise. That water looks so BRRRR! cold to me. How do the birds stand it?

  22. These pictures are absolutely wonderful, Ida!

  23. Wonderful! How lucky that it flew right there to pose for you!

  24. Beautiful! I love the landing shot and the ruffled feathers. Interesting waterway, too!

  25. Great shots! I love the one of him coming in for a landing!


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