Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Outdoor Wednesday

Hi,  I'm joining in for the 1st time with Susan (A Southern Daydreamer) for Outdoor Wednesday.

The flowers have been so pretty here this spring.  I wanted to share a few of them with you.

                   I just love the soft "peachy pink" shade of this Tulip.

                               Some of my new double daffodils.

              Always a favorite from my garden are the Bleeding Hearts

                                  Look at all that gorgeous color

 Finally the blooms on my mom's French Lilac Tree are just starting to open.
Also the flowers in my header are from a house across the street from us.


  1. Lovely blooms, Ida :) You wouldn't want to be outdoors here... more snow today and near freezing temps (no flowers dare show their heads til May!)

  2. Nice flower pics! Hooray for spring.

  3. Oh, so much beautiful color! It's still so chilly here. 20's in the mornings...not really warm enough to plant flowers yet. I'll enjoy looking at yours!!

  4. My favorite is also the Bleeding Heart.

  5. We are running about 3 weeks behind in plants leafing and blooming in MD this spring. Loved seeing your photos...especially the bleeding hearts.

  6. Ida, you have made my day with your gorgeous captures!!! They are absolutely stunning! I also love your header...and the little bunny is cute. :)

  7. WoW Ida, your blooms are just gorgeous!! I love the light, colors and focus!! Nice new spring look for the blog!!

  8. Lilacs are one flower that do well here and I can't wait till everyone's shrubs bloom! Your photos are beautiful, Ida!

  9. Lovely new header! And oh the lilacs! I want some lilacs too!!! Double daffs are double the pretty and wonderful fragrance. I can smell mine now on the coffee table! Good Morning Ida!

  10. Wow! The nature is so beautiful! Your flowers are so pretty, Bleeding Hearts are my favorite too. :)
    We still have cool temperatures and even some snow (two days ago).

  11. You've captured the detail of those flowers so beautifully! Oh, what a glorious sight!

  12. Beautiful! My bleeding hearts just poked through the ground this weekend, so that is progress for here... at least I am seeing green!


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