Thursday, April 3, 2014

Photo Art Friday

Welcome to the April Edition of Photo Art Friday hosted by Bonnie, (Pixel Dust Photo Art). 

The optional theme this month was "Quirky Selfie's".
Let me just say up front that I am rarely in photographs because I'm usually behind the camera.  Plus I am so NOT photogenic at all.  I struggled a lot with even doing this month's theme at all.  It's just so out of my comfort zone.

So tonight I took a selfie in my craft room which really didn't turn out all that great.  Then I fiddled around with the photo on BeFunky & PicMonkey and finally came up with the piece below.  I guess you can say it qualifies as "quirky"!

The cat is a neighbor's cat.  His name is Eric and he's over here everyday now because the "Crazy Cat Lady" made the mistake of leaving him food even though he's well fed and now he expects me to put food out for him every day.  Call me,  "crazy" but I'm happy to oblige him.


  1. Your photo made me smile! Very creative.

  2. Hee Hee.. It turned out great. I know it has me smiling.


  3. Your not alone, I prefer to be behind the camera to. Great collage. Beautiful cat.

  4. Well done! it's not easy doing these selfies is it?

  5. I prefer compassionate and caring!! Have a grand day!!! Cathy

  6. I love how you infused the two together. Yep, feeding kitties will do that--------a fur friend forever.

  7. Well ... thank you for being willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone, Ida. It's an image that makes me feel happy - thank you!

  8. It's quirky and it's funny! And I'm glad to see that Eric has decided to be your friend.

  9. You did a great job with this photo!

  10. Super cute! And I love the cat in the background - such a fun idea :)

    Happy weekend, sweet Ida!

  11. LOL! Good for you! I always say that I am just one husband away from being a crazy cat lady. I love them!!

  12. Oh, I love it!! Very quirky. And very you, with the cats in the picture!

  13. I absolutely like this selfie!
    I was reading not long time ago a small article in one of the magazines about first selfie in the history of photography. :)

  14. Quirky, indeed! and there's no arguing that fact that you love your cats.

  15. hello kitty!
    hello you!!!
    Love your self and your gorgeous blog flowers!

  16. Love your selfie. So much personality.

  17. I can't help but smile looking at your selfie, I love it!! :)

  18. Hahaha - this photo definitely qualifies as 'quirky selfie' - well done! I know exactly what you mean with 'out of your comfort zone'. I am exactly the same (like a zillion other photographers...) ;)

  19. What a fun photo image! So nice of you to consider your neighbors cat..

  20. Very Fun Photo of you and the cat.
    Gratulations!Ha de gott.

  21. Good on you, Ida :) I'm very far from ready to feature "selfies" on my blog. I admire anyone with the guts to do it (I think EVERYONE is unimpressed with their own photos). Have a great weekend!

    P.S. your neighbor's cat obviously has good taste LOL.

  22. Well Ida it really turned out so cute. You did a good job, and good for you in joining in. I was out of town, so missed it this month which is good because I also hate being on the other side of the lens.

  23. fun!! and good for you to go out of that darned comfort zone. well done, Ida!!

  24. Cats are good company

  25. I have "learned" to relax and enjoy my time in front of the lens!! I sense Colleen will help you with that and be happy to have the pictures of you to go with her wonderful memories!!

    Do it Ida, I think you will be happy you did!!

  26. This is great, Ida! I made a selfie, but went to post it too late. Yours is awesome!


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