Thursday, April 10, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Happy Friday! - It's time to celebrate by joining Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Random 5 Friday.

It's been a busy but profitable and fun week. 
Sometime mid morning on Monday hubby called and asked if I wanted to pick up some tools for him and bring him lunch where he was working.

He was doing some work on some doors at a small country school about 10 miles outside of town.  Since it was Greta's day off from work and Coleen was home on Spring Break and my mom needed to get out of the house for awhile we all headed off to Dixie with lunch for hubby.

Click to Enlarge Photo's.

#1 I've seen Bi-Plane Crop Duster's and Single Engine Plane's crop dusting before but this was my first Helicopter Crop Duster sighting.

#2. Lots of farms surround the school and I spotted these 3 deer on the hillside behind the school.  I watched them for quite a while and took loads of pictures but this was the best I could come up with even with my 250 zoom setting.  Anyone know what a better zoom lens to recommend.? (This photo was cropped to bring them in a little closer).

#3 Coleen had a lot of fun there but she didn't like this tire swing so well. She complained of a stomach ache most of the way home after getting off the swing.

#4 While I love flowers I sure hate how my body feels after planting them.  I've spent 2 days this week weeding & planting flowers.  My back hurts! Lot's of hot baths, Ibuprofen & Aspercreme were taken and used this week.

#5 I think we've got a future leader in the making here.  This morning Grandpa left a note asking Coleen to put the folded towels away for $1 and another if she put them away neatly without stuffing them in the cabinets.
This afternoon I found her writing a note to Grandpa.  Seems they have been learning (Persuasive Writing) in school.  Here's her note...

So what do you think?  Grandpa got a good laugh over that and she earned $6 instead of $2!

Bonus Photo...We spotted a couple of deer on our way home.  I pulled over right away, grabbed the camera, rolled down the window, snapped away and then discovered....scroll down.

 No wonder they didn't run!


  1. Ah, the persuasive writing - one truly valuable skill they teach in schools nowadays - how could he resist??
    Love all the blooms in your header!!
    Happy Friday xx

  2. Well done for Colleen! I think you've got a future President-in-waiting there. Or if she fancies turning her hand to speech-writing, we've got a Prime Minister over in England who could do with her help! Have a lovely weekend, Bonny

  3. What a lovable person you are! Nice to see the blossoms!

  4. I think your Colleen is going to be an entrepreneur

  5. I am with Coleen anything swinging makes my tummy hurt too. Way to go Coleen, she is smart cookie.

  6. Oh now that is (Persuasive Writing) indeed. Still laughing smart girl. Pretty deer pics and take care of your back. Hug B

  7. Oh my ...... what a sweet request! LOVE that Letter!! and LOVE your flowers.....sorry your back is hurting though.

  8. I really thought the note to grandpa was so cute. Great she got $6, an entrepreneur in the making.

  9. Hello Ida...gorgeous array of photos,beautiful images and sceneries..such pretty fave is this last shot..magical and bewildering!

  10. Funny thing - we both featured deer this week in our Random 5. Persuasive writing - that's a new one for me. I could use a course in that.

  11. LOL! No wonder the deer didn't run! Colleen is really learning the art of persuasive writing! Happy Friday!

  12. Lovely deer photos Ida -- nice to see.

  13. That note from Coleen is priceless! CH, the husband, flew helicoptors for the Army waaaay back and said yep they are used for crop dusting and you have the proof. He enjoyed your picture! 250 is a pretty decent zoom. What camera do you use Ida? I have a 70-300 zoom and I still can't get close enough.. :) When I looked at BIGGER zooms I nearly fainted from the cost!!! I so know the pain of planting flowers!!! I am going to cut back this year because after all that planting the deer eat it all!!!!

  14. LOVED this post - Especially, the letter asking for a raise!

  15. Your flowers look lovely! You should try Epsom salts in your bath water, it's great for muscle aches. Coleen is a great negotiator!

  16. love that deer....nice random post

  17. Your granddaughter is a good persuader! Her note made me laugh.

  18. Lol, oh Ida, I love your post! Made me laugh so much. Hooray for Coleen; she's such a sweetie. I hope you save that little letter for when she's older. That's a wild crop duster! I don't really agree with dusting pesticides on crops, (but what do I know, I'm a city girl), but would fly on of those fun things in a second. :) Hope you have a fantastic weekend with your lovely family. :)

  19. LOL about the deer! Love the shot of Colleen on the swing and the orange and white daffodils.

  20. I laughed out loud at that note!! A very persuasive girl indeed!

    So lovely too springtime here - thank you!!

    Happy weekend!

  21. Ida,
    Sounds like you and the girls had fun taking lunch to your Hubby.

    I have never seen a Helicopter Crop Duster either. I learned something new today.

    It's still pretty cold to be planting flowers around here. Thoughts of gardening cross my mind, but I am in now hurry. We have a chance for snow Saturday night.

    I did a little yard work this week too. Same type of yard work as Coleen. I have to agree, doggy duty isn't my favorite.

    PS - There are days J and I wish we had the option for take out meals. The closest restaurant/cafe or C-Store (they serve pizza and subs) is 30 miles.

  22. I echo Weekend-Windup's comment. :)

  23. Awww, I love the little note. Never hurts to ask and she profited from it. lol I know what you mean about aches and pains after gardening. I did 2 days of cleaning house and got the same result. Ugh!

  24. Your photos are always such a nice treat to look at. Your Colleen is a darling and her smile is contagious :)

    Happy weekend, friend!

  25. What a nice excursion just to bring lunch ! The note is real cute, she is a good business woman !

  26. I see, it's spring on your blog!
    Colleen is cool... -
    I've also weeded weeds, three days ... better, only a short time to do it, because of back (but who am I telling this?)
    Have a great and quiet weekend, and good improvement :-)

  27. i am cracking up at that last photo :D that is hilarious...our neighbor has one too and oddly enough, his yard is always full of real deer too! love that shot of colleen on the swing, it would make me feel sick to though and great writing for the extra pay!

  28. Love the pic of deer and your other pictures. Drop in to my Sat pictures I put in when you get time. Going back to my stamping discussion we had had. I have the wooden stamps.

    It is just me. I must have a heavy hand and then when I release it off. Only half is on. Thanks for your re back on that question I asked of you..

  29. I can really feel the beauty of your day in this post. A drive to the country with all its sights and pleasures -- wonderful! Beautiful flowers along your house. Worth the effort and hope you're recovering nicely. Got a real chuckle from Coleen's note and the last photo!

  30. It was a very busy day for you.
    You such a sweet person and wonderful wife.
    Love your flowers, Ida!

  31. Coleen always makes me smile!! Love those deer, and the beautiful green grass!!

  32. Awesome letter! And it paid off : )

  33. Oh, I love these! I saw the first photo and thought it would be my favourite; then I went to the next one and it was my favourite and .... well, you get the idea!

  34. Colleen should get an A on that paper. The girl is thinking.

  35. colleen sounds like she's an attorney in training. :)

    i had a friend that got a degree in agriculture. her internship required helicopter pollination. :)


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