Friday, April 18, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Good Morning! - Well yesterday's rain showers are over and today the sun is shining.  Hooray! 

Last week Nancy (A Rural Journal) made the sad announcement that she was closing her blog up.  It was a hard thing to hear and I know she will be missed in the blogging world.  She gave so much joy with her wonderful photos and writings and hosted some awesome Memes.  One of which was Random 5 Friday.  Like others I've heard we are carrying on the tradition even though there is no "linky" thing for people to join in on the fun.

Click to Enlarge photos.

Here are my Random thoughts and photos for this week.

1.Today is hubby and my Wedding Anniversary.  Hubby & I met for coffee at Starbucks this morning & later we'll go out for dinner.  It's been a wonderful 22 years so far.  Times have been hard and times have been good and through it all our love has remained steady and solid. 

Sharing a couple more photos from the "Egg Tree" that I shared earlier here:
2.  This week I've had some "klutzy" moments.  While setting a ladder up by our shed I managed to knock one of Greta's hanging basket planters off and spilled the plant and dirt everywhere. The next day while trying to get Eric the cat off the back fence I hit the wheelbarrow and knocked it into the flower bed spilling the squirrels peanuts all over the ground.  Needless to say cleaning up these messes was not fun.

Eric enjoying an afternoon snooze on the sidewalk in front of our house.

3.  I bought more flowers this week to plant.  They are still waiting to be planted because it rained the day after we bought them.  Perhaps next week I'll get them in the ground.

Tulips from a garden I spotted while driving around town.

4.  I've been thinking about becoming a "Vegetarian".  Well not really but it seems it would be much cheaper since the cost of meat these days is outrageous.  Even hamburger is over $3.00 a pound now and chicken isn't much cheaper.

Horses and Sheep grazing on a farm.  Shot this while at the school last week where hubby was doing some work.

5. Went shopping (in the rain) yesterday for Easter gifts & candy.  Every year I say I'm not going to buy a big bunch of candy but in the end that's exactly what I do.  See anything you like?


  1. All that candy looks yummy! I bought some but not too much. Happy Anniversary!! 22 years is quite an accomplishment. Eric is so handsome! I love those tulips!

  2. Happy Anniversary. Love your photos and I miss Nancy too. Hug B

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Ida! :)
    Like the picture of the cat, looks gorgeous.
    And flowers are so so pretty!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and Happy Easter!! The photos are marvelous, especially that egg tree. Wow.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I too was sad to see Nancy close down her blog. Glad to see you carrying on the "random 5" tradition.

  6. More fabulous eggs photos - they look so neat hanging in the tree :)

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband - what a blessing and joy!

    Have a blessed Easter, Ida.

  7. Eric is very handsome! Happy Easter!

  8. Happy 22nd Anniversary to you and your husband!!!
    Eric is a great name for a cat.. :)
    Love the horses and sheep!
    Yes, I see something I like.. I could never pass up a Rolo!

    Happy Easter to you and yours Ida!

  9. I have days like those! lol. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter to you and yours!!

  10. Happy anniversary a day late, Ida! Your photos are so lovely and I feel good looking at them. The tulip bed is gorgeous and the pastoral scene is peaceful. You live in a beautiful area. I lived briefly in Pendleton when I was much younger and we'd drive to Walla Walla to shop sometimes. It was always an adventure. Of course, at that age (late teen years) everything was an adventure. Happy Easter, and don't eat ALL that candy yourself!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Love the tulips you found on your drive. Welcome to the Klutz club...:) Eric is a handsome kitty. Love your egg tree. I'll be glad when the Easter candy disappears from the stores. Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

  12. Eric looks like he thinks he is lion. he is beautiful... love the tulips and eggs in the tree. we all have klutzy moments

  13. I see a lot that I like in your candy choices. Trying to stay clear of candy now and be able to wear my spring clothes. I hadn't seen Nancy's post. I am really going to miss her blogging.

    P.S. Happy Anniversary!

  14. Belated Happy Anniversary wishes!
    Love all the flowers in your post. And the candy - my favourite food group!

  15. Those horses are just beautiful. Yes, sad about Nancy. She's taken breaks before...I've followed her blog for awhile and recall that. But I don't recall if she ever said that she was stopping completely.

    I like the Randoms posts ...they cover many random things during the week, don't they : )


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