Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday - Duck, Duck, Goose!

It's Wednesday (well not really since I'm posting this on Tuesday) but you get the picture as I'm posting for Wild Bird Wednesday  and by the time you see this it will most likely be Wednesday.

Be sure to pop over to Stewart's blog, Paying Ready Attention to check out the other wild bird entries.

Coleen and I periodically take trips up to Pioneer Park here in town.  There is a lovely Aviary there filled with all kinds of ducks & other birds.  Mind you these shots were taken through the links of a chain link fence but I think they turned out just find.

I don't have a clue what kind of ducks these are because I forgot to look at the ID tags on the Aviary.  Anyway I like this one because it has that really cool blue beak.

This one has lots of really cool colors and don't you love the "ruffled" look of it's feathers.

Finally we spotted something really adorable...

Duck, Duck.......

GOOSE! - Or in this case a Gosling.

Actually there were 3 little Goslings...aren't they adorable?


  1. both ducks are gorgeous but the second fellow has remarkable colouring, love the goslings, I think if they still have their down they are goslings tho I am not that sure :-)

  2. Hello Ida,
    I would like to visit this place. It is nice seeing all the pretty ducks and birds. I am pretty sure, the first one is a Wigeon and the second one is a Mandarin Duck.. Wonderful shots, thanks for sharing..Have a great day.

  3. HI Ida The second duck is a Mandarin duck the first one is an Eurasian Teal in eclipse plumage. Goslings are so cute.

  4. The duck in the second photo has extraordinary colours. Very beautiful series of photos.

  5. they are all wonderful, the second one is extraordinaire, the photo and the duck

  6. the first is an american wigeon. the 2nd is a mandarin duck (exotic import) - so beautiful! cute little gosling!

  7. Beautiful duck photos! And those goslings are truly charming.

  8. They are so beautiful! Love the colors of the duck on second picture.

  9. Too many cute photos here. They have me smiling..


  10. Cute goslings! And love your new header photo.

  11. Oh I love that second bird! He is the coolest.
    thanks for dropping by and visiting me.

  12. The photos are beautiful Ida! Great captures!

  13. These are great shots! I love the bright colors on that second duck. Amazing!

  14. That second shot looks like a mandarin duck and the first is some kind of wigeon maybe? All are very beautiful.

  15. How fuzzy those little goslings look! Great photos. :-)

  16. Oh, how I love the colors in duck #2! Beautiful captures, Ida!

  17. ida, amazing images, really beautiful!! i think the second one is a wood duck, really showing off for you!!

    love those cute little gooslings!!

  18. precious is the word coming to mind for all your birds... have a great day~

  19. Awesome shots! I believe the second one is a Mandarin Duck. They're gorgeous!

  20. I'm not sure what kind of ducks they are, I need to study up on water birds. I really like the very colorful male, sooo pretty.

  21. Those ducks are so wonderfully colorful! And, of course, the goslings are as cute as a bug's ear.

  22. They are really colorful and beautiful. I like the little fuzzies too.

  23. What beautiful birds! I love all the fancy colours in the second duck, and the goslings are adorable!

  24. Beautiful photos! The goslings are so cute.

  25. Beautiful shots and I love the fuzzy babies!

  26. Ida, beautiful ducks! I am reading Tex's comment for the ID on them. It would be fun to visit your park. The fuzzy babies are darling!

  27. Great shots Ida - American Wigeon and Mandarin Duck but I'm not sure about the gosling - perhaps Canada Goose, are there adults about?

  28. Lovely birds and complimented by some great photography

  29. Wow this was a beautiful Duck, very Nice colors

  30. The ducks are beautiful, and the gosling is sweet!

  31. For once these are birds in America I can ID - and I agree with the names provided here.

    Nice pictures.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  32. Oh, they're all so pretty, and the goslings are totally sweet! Saw geese with goslings in the bay the other day when we took Wally and LuLu swimming. So cute!


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