Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday - Ducklings

Hello! - I'm a bit late getting this up but it's been a (crazy busy) morning around here.  Anyway I am joining Stewart (Paying Ready Attention) for Wild Bird Wednesday.

Last week I happened to look out the window just in time to see Mama Duck and her babies crossing the street heading back over to the creek that runs through a neighbors yard.  I grabbed up my camera and headed over to snap some shots of mama and her adorable babies.

Here some of the baby ducklings are getting ready to head down into the creek where mama was.

Here's mama with some of the babies in the water.  They proceed back up out of the creek and into the grass of the neighbors lawn.

Mama seems to be talking to her little one's here and in the next photo as well.

At this point she's scurrying around the yard quaking at the baby ducklings.  I can still hear a duck peeping behind me though and so I went back to the water and in the reeds I discovered one little duckling couldn't figure out how to get out from the reeds and onto the land.  So I scooped him up (oh was he soft) and set him down on the grass he made a mad dash for mama and his siblings.  You can see in the photo below how fast his little web feet were going so he could catch up with the others.

 Mama and all 7 of her babies were reunited and happily wandered off together. 

I'm just hoping none of the neighborhood cats made a meal out of these sweet little ducklings.  They are just so cute!


  1. That was a wonderful rescue. I think people are starting to realize that Momma birds will still love their babies even if they have human smell on them ... because most birds don't have much of a sense of smell. Your pictures are adorable ... you are clearly ahead of us because our ducks are still in the early stages of the mating season. Love this post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. HI you are right, these ducklings are so adorable and I am glad you were able to retrieve the lost duckling to the group.

  3. There is nothing cuter than baby ducklings! How lucky to have them traipsing through your yard!

  4. LOL! They're cute little buggers!

  5. Nice photo's, the babies are delightful.

  6. Oh so so sweet. I sure hope they all survive the perils of daily life. MB

  7. Great photos and what a lovely experience to see the duck and ducklings so close - and then to actually hold one and lift it out onto the grass! - Fantastic!

  8. So adorable! I just love ducklings!

  9. Really sweet photos!! The little ducklings are precious and mama seems to have things well in charge.

  10. oh, my! they are adorable! glad you were there to help the straggler. it is tough survival for them!

  11. Wonderful capture of ducklings and Mom.

  12. They're so adorable! Lovely shots.

  13. Beautiful Mallard ducklings, they are superb.

  14. Such sweet photos, Ida. They're adorable, those little ducklings. And I'm delighted that you managed to rescue the little chap who got left behind. Well done! Bonny

  15. The ducklings are so cute! Adorable family.. Loved the photos.. Have a happy day!

  16. Sweet post and I am so happy you scooped up the little lost one!!!!

  17. i love this, they are adorable and the mother is so pretty and that little one you saved is gettin it really fast.

  18. Awwwwwwwwww, sweet as sweet can be!

  19. with seven mouths to feed, she is going to be one busy momma!!

    adorable images, it's always so special to get to see this!!

  20. OMG - they are so cute! I wish I would come across some with my camera. Whenever I see some (hasn't happened in a while) I always think how adorable they are and how cute they look following big mama duck.

  21. Gosh, that is so cute to have them right there in your neighborhood. Great pics! Stay safe, little ducklings!

  22. those baby ducklings are so sweet... it's captures like these that make your heart sing... so glad you were able to reunite the last duckling with his mama and siblings. i'm sure it made him a happy boy... have a great day~

  23. Oh they're soooo cute. Great photos and especially the one with the mama's mouth open as if giving marching instructions. :) <3

  24. Nice shots! In the village where I was born we had "Caution - Ducks Crossing" signs!

    looks like you need some too!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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