Monday, August 25, 2014

The Good, The Random, The Fun

Happy Monday!  -  Today I thought I would join Tamar (Random-osity) for The Good. The Random. The Fun.

I'm not sure my post fits the idea but I'm going with it anyway.

I like to cook & bake and try new recipes.  This weekend I tried,
Peach, Blackberry Cobbler.  You can find the recipe HERE:

First you need some GOOD fruit:  What's really good is that we have fresh, local produce to enjoy all summer long.

 Next you RANDOMLY mix them all up and add some dough

Then you have the FUN of Baking It and Eating it!  (Sorry I don't have any pictures of myself eating it but you can see the end result.)

A Funny little story...all the time I was preparing and baking this dessert I was taking photographs to share.  As I got into bed that night I realized one important thing.....I forgot to get any pictures of the dessert being served and eaten!  -  Thank goodness there were left-overs and this morning I managed to get a half way decent shot of the cobbler before I ate it for breakfast!


  1. Oh yum, I'll be over for coffee and any leftovers you might have!!

  2. Ida, save me some cobbler. Peaches are my favorite and this looks delicious.

  3. Beautiful photos, excellent fruit! marvelous colors !! I want to try that recipe!

  4. This has made me SOOO hungry!!! :-) Very good post for the theme. Love the photos. And thanks so much for coming by my blog and commenting, and then deciding to follow! Glad to have you! Don't check my email that often, but people do sometimes get my email address off my profile and send me a note. Not opposed to that, just might not answer right away. So good to connect with you!

  5. Yummy. I've never put peaches and blackberries together. Looks really yummy! Thanks for coming by and seeing my "tortilla soup". It cracked me up when he said he was making it!
    Have a great week,

  6. That is funny! I've done that--made up another one the next day. That sounds like a delicious breakfast!! I'm loving summer produce!

  7. Oh this looks so yummy! I will need to try your recipe.

  8. That looks delicious! So glad you liked up it's called the Good, Random, Fun - but there are no requirements!

  9. I haven't made a cobbler for awhile / now you have me craving one :)

  10. Looks yummy. I love cobbler.

  11. That sounds like something I would do! lol

  12. Oh wow, your cobbler looks delicious.. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a great week!

  13. Oh yum! Looks delish ~ Lush photos ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Glad you remembered! It looks delicious! I have blackberries (a blessing and a curse) in abundance and just bought peaches. Can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing. xo Karen

  15. Oh this all looks absolutely wonderful! Now I'm hungry! Want to thank you for visiting my blog and a big thanks to our friend, Sherry for introducing us. You have a wonderful site here, happy to follow along!

  16. Hi Ida!
    This post is a perfect G/R/F!
    Have been severely fell x3 days with migraine. No appetite. But lemme tell ya, that looks seriously relish!
    Also am enjoying looking at your sidebar pix of your Fur People. :)

  17. been there, done that....too many times to count!!

    looks very yummy, i'm surprised there were leftovers!!!

  18. It looks delicious, Ida. What a great breakfast! And how lovely to have such great produce growing locally. All the best, Bonny

  19. How gorgeous..looks sooo beautiful and yummy! Such awesome pics..Now I am hungry!Wishing you a magical end of August!

  20. Yum, yum, yum! Peaches and blackberry cobbler is a favorite of mine and yours looks divine :)

    Hugs to you, Ida!

  21. Ha! You did very well with the good, the random, the fun. Looks like a tasty breakfast. Don't forget the coffee. Black, please. :-)

  22. OhMyGosh that looks good!

  23. Oh, stop it! You make my mouth water with these fabulous photos! I love cobbler of any kind! I've sure been enjoying the fresh fruits of summer, but it will be over soon, boo hoo.

  24. Fruit is just so beautiful and now I am so hungry! ;)

  25. Yummy!
    My son likes to it fruit/berry crisp during the season.
    I also forget to take a picture of the food I make. Every time I start cooking, I tell myself I need to take a picture. And then... it is to late. :)

  26. Mmmmm... Looks delicious! Glad there was enough left over for you to share with us!

  27. That's one fabulous thing about a fruit cobbler/dessert -- it's for breakfast too!! Wow, your photos look SO good -- look at the close-up of that fruit, the blackberries and peaches together. Yummmm. I've been wanting to buy some fresh peaches lately. I adore fruit pie, and peach is about my favorite. Haven't done it yet b/c we are such DIETS, but I still may!


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