Thursday, September 11, 2014

Good Fences - Sept. 11, 2014

Welcome.  Won't you join me as we link up with Theresa from (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) for

I am so glad that I went out last week and got some fence shots because with my camera off for repairs I wouldn't have been able to particpate. 

The school Coleen attends has a little Vegetable/Flower Garden plot in front of the school.  The kids plant different things in the plot each year and use the produce for various school projects.

Surrounding the garden plot is a wooden picket fence and growing near the fence were these lovely sunflowers.  I hope you enjoy them.

Be sure to visit Theresa's blog and check out the other great fences.

Let us pause for a moment today to remember those who gave their lives on 9-11-2001 and for those still fighting today for our Freedom.  God Bless America.


  1. really cute fence and blooms! thanks, ida!

  2. Nice!! I really like the first one. Love that old wooden fence.

  3. I won't, it will be forever etched within me. Lovely photo in memory of it. As are your fence and happy faced blossoms spelling beauty, like music to my eyes!

  4. i like both the wood and the metal fences and the sunflowers make it special.. we will never forget that day, those of us who lived through it

  5. WoW...the sunflowers are really gorgeous!!!

  6. Nice shot with the sunflowers along the old fence. The building in the back of my just-for-looks Good Fence is a huge over the top fancy winery/tasting room. Some of these wineries out here are like French chateaus. Lots of $$$

  7. So pretty with the sunflowers, it's gray here today so this was a nice pick me up!

  8. The large, pretty sun flowers really make the fence look nice.

  9. I love a sunflower fence -- perfect photos. And I love the idea of a school/community garden.

    Yes -- we will all never forget this date. A fine tribute picture and words.

  10. Beautiful photos! I hope you get your camera back soon.

  11. Beautiful fence line! I love sunflowers!

  12. Love these fences with those sunflowers that make me smile. I will never forget!

  13. A lovely tribute for this day, never out of my thoughts.

    How neat that the school has a garden for the children to work in and enjoy. Lovely photos!

  14. There's nothing prettier than yellow flowers next to and old wooden fence. Beautiful photos.

  15. Who will ever forget how they felt that terrible day? What has it been? 13 years? It still seems so raw. Every day I feel blessed to live in a country, (and a continent) where I am free. I have many friends who have served in the military or still are and it is their stories that has connected me to the truth of what they go through so that we can live peacefully here. Bless them, indeed.
    Beautiful fence photos, by the way. I love garden fences...

  16. That is a lovely fence with beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Hi Ida!
    What sweet pix of the fence and sunflowers at Colleen's school. Very, very end-of-summerish.
    :) m & jb

  18. Thank you for your comment in my blog. Your fence with the sunflowers is beautiful.

  19. Sunflowers are such cheery flowers...and they look so pretty in front of the fence!

  20. Love the sunflowers along the fence Ida! I grew sunflowers both this year and last. I think I will always grow them now. I love the way they attract birds, bees, squirrels and chipmunks.

  21. Hello Ida
    Oh what a beautiful sight - sunflowers always make me feel happy!
    They look wonderful beside the fence palings.
    Enjoy your weekend.hugs

  22. Very pretty with the sunflowers!

    Oh yes, I have not forgotten how we then frightened heard the radio message -

    Have a great and quiet weekend :-)

  23. You captured those beautiful flowers very well.

  24. Ida...I love these photos! The lovely golden blooms just set off that fence perfectly! Have a great Friday!

  25. Beautiful sunflowers along the fence. Thank you for stopping by my post.

  26. I love the way the sunflowers are all spilling out of that fence.
    Thanks for stopping by.


  27. I love those sunflowers in front of the fence. Beautiful!

  28. I love that the school has a garden that the children can participate in!! What a pretty fence covered in sunflowers!!

  29. I love the sunflowers!

    And so do the birds and bees.

  30. Great pictures! Sunflowers are so pretty! And I didn't plant any this year :( I need to for next year. I hope you get back your camera soon!

  31. Very pretty fence and the sunflowers look happy!

  32. I love sunflowers, and I love picket fences. I don't know why picket fences are so rare around here, but I'm not sure I've ever seen one in the Houston area. Maybe it's the weather and the insects.

    That's ok -- I can enjoy your photos!

  33. I love the sunflowers against the wood fence.

  34. I like the sunflower shots along the fence. A good reminder about this tragic day in our past.

  35. The wood, the iron and the bright sunflowers - all combine to make such beautiful images!

  36. Beautiful fence and sunflower photos. They have the special late summer feel with warm light.

  37. Oh wow, I love the sunflowers along the fence. I wish now I hadn't forgotten to plant them.

  38. The sunflowers look beautiful in front of that neat picket fence.

  39. Beautiful picture of gorgeous sunflower and fence♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  40. Beautiful pictures of gorgeous sunflowers with fence♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  41. Love those sunflowers, Ida, as well as the 9/11 remembrance. also liked Wonky Cat's eyes! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  42. Great job on the fence pictures! The flowers are so pretty!

  43. Great photo with the fence and flowers.

  44. Sunflowers sure brighten up a day, don't they!
    Is Colleen a teacher?
    Lovely flag remembrance photos.


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