Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday is Fun

Welcome and Happy Friday!

Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

1.  Most of my long time readers know that I am not a huge fan of winter or snow.  So it comes as no surprise that I wasn't to thrilled with yesterdays snow fall.  Coleen on the other hand loved it.  Here she is this morning enjoying a little time outside before heading off to school.

2.  A friend of mine sent me a link to where you can find out where all the gorgeous fall colors are in each of the states.  While it's too late to visit these areas now the pictures are worth looking at and it gives you a reference for next year.  Check it out here:
Here is a little of our own fall foliage and also one from today with the snow on them.

I think I prefer the warmer one for sure.

3.  If you enjoy snow you might want to make some paper snowflakes to decorate you house.  Here's a place for learning how to make paper snowflakes. .

    My mom's dog, Pixie enjoying a little romp out in the snow this morning.

4.  It's now "Soup" weather and who doesn't like a nice hot bowl of soup on a cold and snowy day.  We had this soup the other night and it's delicious.  I alter the recipe though as we don't like that much tomato taste so instead I used Cream of Mushroom soup in place of the tomato.  I also added some cabbage to the vegetable mix.  - So here's a fun LINK to some silly resturant names you might enjoy.

5.  Did you ever make snow icecream when you were a kid?  I loved that stuff and would you believe there are actual recipes on how to make it.
Found this YouTubeVideo on making snow ice cream.  Enjoy if you have freshly fallen snow.

Helix enjoying a stretch in the snow this morning.  My entry  for FELINE FRIDAY.

 Also sharing this one of Eric the cat for FELINE ART

Joining in with Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for FOLLOW FRIDAY FOUR FILL-IN FUN.

The statements:
  1. I just ____
  2. ___ is _____
  3. If I could, I would ________
  4. _____makes me______
My Answers:

1.  I just don't have enough time in the day to get everything done that I want to.  Anyone else have that problem?

2. Snow is not my friend I mean...snow is beautiful!

3.  If I could, I would move to a warmer climate in winter.  I say that every winter but I've lived here all my life so I doubt I'd really go through with it if I could.

4.  Melting snow makes me SMILE :o)  -  It's not melting that fast but in about a week it's suppose to be back up in the 40's and raining so it's not going to stick around that long.

See I really am trying to embrace winter weather with a more positive attitude.  I still don't like it but hey you might as well try to find something positive about it because it's that time of year.

Have a great day & a good weekend.


  1. Hi Ida,
    Your photos are great. Especially love the cat pose, in the snow. The fall colored leaves are awesome. Atlanta is under a cold spell. Stay warm where you are and have fun!

    Peace :)

  2. Helix is adorable and what a big stretch that is.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  3. we all have some part of our weather we don't love. for me it is the everlasting HEAT of July through Oct. 4 months of it and like your early snow we had early heat starting the first of june.
    i love Helix stretching and the leaves/cat collage. Colleen's looks so happy and i like that coat and hood..your moms dog looks happy to be in the snow to

  4. cute pup and kitty! youthful colleen loves snow. :)

  5. We got a little snow and I wasn't ready for it. I'm glad it didn't stick around!! I've been loving soup lately!

  6. thank you for the link. i will go check it out ... i love fall leaf pics. any where on this planet. fun times!! have a great weekend!! ( :

  7. Well, I'm more with Coleen on the issue of snow. I like it. I used to love it but now I just like it. We had a little dusting today. It was beautiful...all gone now. On the other hand, I not only don't like the heat, I pretty much hate it. So I guess I'm a winter person. Well, fall is the best as you have pointed out. Great info today. I like the page about autumn a lot. I think they mostly got Massachusetts right. Here's hoping you get a light snow winter!

  8. I walked this morning while some of the white stuff was falling. I like snow though. : )

  9. We got snow this morning too - so pretty mixed with the leaves!

  10. Coleen looks like she's having a ball! I love the cat and dog in the snow, too. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Even GA is cold this weekend.

  11. colleen, pixie and helix are sure cute in the snow! i think i prefer the fall colored leaves to the snow covered ones as well! i am going to pin that soup recipe...can't have enough good soup recipes, that's for sure! thank you for linking and have a great weekend!! stay warm!

  12. I enjoyed reading this post and seeing all the neat photos. Thanks also for including the link to all those foliage photos. Going to have to put those on my list. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great weekend.

  13. I like snow or should I say I like the look of the snow, but it messes up with my health issues, the reason we left Omaha:( Pretty fall pictures! I went to the your link and love it! I will save that link. All the restaurant names are funny, but Frying Nemo? I'll think about that one :) I see that Pixie and Helix like the snow too!

  14. Now I'm really cold, after seeing all those snow images! :D Loved those red leaves, and even the ones below it with the snow on them are pretty.

    Last winter was difficult and too much snow. I think many of us (myself included) are not ready for the cold weather and snow to be here already.

    Thanks for all your comments on my posts. I've had a fairly busy week so am trying to make the rounds now.

    Hope you have a nice weekend!


  15. Ooooh, fabulous photos! All of them! Snow is such a novelty here so it's fun when we get it, but I don't think I'd want to spend my whole winter in it. Brrrr!

  16. Sorry you are getting snow so early! Glad Coleen is happy though. :-) The leaves are beautiful! How great there's a link to tell you where to see peak fall color! I also enjoyed the link to the funny restaurant names. Hope you have a great week...don't get too cold!

  17. Oh no not snow already. Yikes. Those leaves are just gorgeous. We had some pretty leaves here too. The dog looks like it had a little fun in the snow. Cabbage is a great idea to add to soup. I love making soup. Have a great week end.

  18. what a fun post ida, I just love this time of year. every season provides so much inspiration for us "photographers"!!!

    colleen looks so joyful, of course that is my favorite picture!!!!!!

  19. Colleen, Pixie and Helix look adorable IN the snow! it must be so hard to not enjoy the snow, but it still keeps visiting you-I'd love to send you some warm Florida sunshine!
    Lovely photos-have a beautiful weekend!

  20. ... just watch out for that 'yellow snow'. That would be very unpleasant ice cream. Grin.

  21. Yes, they had a great fun with snow, beautiful pictures, beautiful fall colors yet!

  22. Being Canadian, I feel like Snow is just another extension of my personality. We learn to embrace it. The secret I find is really being properly dressed - nothing is fun when you are cold. But I hope I never lose the idea that building a snowman is fun, or that a winter walk under falling flakes can be really, really romantic.
    But then, there's the shoveling. that's not very romantic. :)

  23. Hi Ida,

    The soup sounds scrumptious, and yes, there's nothing like a steaming hot bowl of hearty soup on a cold winter's day!

    Eric the Cat is a cool model, no? I love that artistic shot and the way his redheaded face is camouflaged to look like a leaf!

    Happy weekend!


  24. what a delightful post . . I had not heard of snow ice cream before - since it's thinking about snowing outside now - guess I'd better get a bowl ready . . thanks . . .

  25. I love Coleen's coat! She has a taste for the stylish (and warm)! It's snowing here right now...pretty but so cold! Yes, I have fond memories of making snow ice cream!

  26. Hi Ida,
    No snow here in Maryland. Some fell the other night, but it didn't stick. Since my husband is a school bus driver, snow days mean No Pay that day. For that reason alone, I'm not thrilled with snow. But I find it beautiful when it is falling. I like to make paper snowflakes, though!
    Love your cat pix!
    :) m & jb

  27. As always a very nice post. I am not a fan of winter either and it has come to the Midwest in the the form of cold cold temps. Helix is quite a handsome kitty.

  28. Love the red leaves! That's a great photo of Coleen!

  29. blessings....
    There is so much we can learn from children, one is to enjoy every moment and go with the flow of things.

    We haven't had any major snow here in Toronto yet, just flurries, though I trust that is fixing to change pretty soon. Time to bundle up!

    Have a wonder filled week.

  30. Kids do love snow. It's a pity we outgrow that since so much of the year has snow. ;))

  31. I don't enjoy the snow either, so it makes me happy to people like Colleen who enjoy it. Love her smile and joy of it!

  32. I actually think the snowy leaves are really pretty. Of course, as long as that white stuff is not - here - LOL. I would love to move to a warmer climate, in winter, too. That would be great.

  33. Yes, snow is beautiful. Too bad that it's also cold!!!! Looks like Coleen and the cats are enjoying it, though.
    Keep warm!


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