Thursday, November 20, 2014

Good Fences - Vines and Snow

It's a very nasty weather day here today, schools are closed and roads are an icy nightmare. So I'll be staying inside with a nice cup of hot coffee and joining in on the fun of GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from the (Run-a-round Ranch Report.)

Click to Enlarge all Photos.

I spotted this vine creeping through the chain link fence at my mom's house a couple of weeks ago (before the cold snap hit) and thought it looked cool and would make for a great entry for Good Fences so I snap a few photos of it.

I just love the curly tendrils.

Next I made it outside one day after our snow arrived.  Which by the way didn't amount to more the 1-2 inches but the darn stuff has stuck around on the ground due to the below freezing temps we've had here.  Anyway I decided to photograph the top of the chain link fence that borders our property and the neighbor on the other side of us.

Finally I spotted this magpie flying off with a peanut and of course it flew right near the neighbors fence that lives across the street from us so how could I not include this shot.

Of course I'd rather we were back to the weather in the vine shots but I'm afraid that's not happening any time soon.

So be sure to stop in at Theresa's blog and check out all the other great fence shots.  - Stay Warm and Safe.


  1. The picture of the magpie with the white tips on its wings look like he has been in the snow as well.

  2. love the red vine and the magpie you caught, too! stay warm and safe!

  3. wow Ida, these are way cool shots, that last one is amazing and i love those red leaves. the second shot of the snow on the fence is truly ART... love it and all your pretty fence pics. sorry you are caught in the polar vortex

  4. Really nice photos with beautiful detais!
    You too, stay safe and warm!

  5. The Virginia Creeper is lovely in the first shots however I also love the snow on the fences in the rest of the shots

  6. Oh gosh that is a lot of snow! :( I love the red vine, it really pops and the curly cues are so pretty!! Stay warm!

  7. The detail on that curled vine is amazing!

  8. Gorgeous the vines..such a stunning beauty..wonderful colors! and the magpie stole my heart..fantastic action shot, so magical and freeing! Blissful post!

  9. What great fence shots! Was that red vine poison oak??? I noticed 5leaves and I know it can turn really red in the fall...anyway, it sure is beautiful! It seems like our winter is starting early this snow yet here in NC. Great shot of the bird...looks like he's heading right for that out!!! Lol!

  10. Hi Ida,
    Great fences, especially with the bird in the scene!
    The leaves look deliciously red.
    Peace :)

  11. To bad that the snow is making all that mess out there, I so hope things get better soon. Your pictures are so pretty, but I'm loving the ones with the red vine.

  12. Very nice - love that shot of the magpie! xo Karen

  13. Your photos are marvelous Ida. I love the tendrils on the pretty red leaves, and also how you've caught the bird in flight. Fantastic!

  14. I've never seen a magpie. I agree the red leaves of that vine and the curly tendrils are rather pretty.

  15. Beautiful red on that vine! I like the close up snow shots and the wooden fence, too!

  16. Oh.. my heartbeat quickened at the sight of that magpie.. I saw a couple of them once several years ago. Such a treat. The only sighting.. ever.. except for those in photos and this one does wonders for that fence :) I'm glad you didn't get the snow people in Buffalo are experiencing, and as always, love your photographic eye.

  17. These are great pictures, Ida. I love the red vine and those tendrils.

  18. Oh Ida, you really have some great close ups of the fence and vine and I just don't know what to say about this early snow...

  19. Enjoyed your different fences. The red flowers was a perfect accent to that chain link one. Thanks for visiting.

  20. Love the red vine with the reaching, grasping tendrils.

  21. Great fences, Ida, but I think the vine and the Magpie stole the show. I am with you ... I am counting the days until spring. We have a long way to go, I'm afraid.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  22. These are some excellent captures. Love the detail on the close ups of the vine.

  23. Oh, that's such a pretty shade of red vine creeping through the fence! Seeing the snow on top of the chain link fence gives me a chill! The metal looks really cold! Magpie is probably looking for a dry spot to sit!

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my fence image.


  24. I'm just a little jealous, look at how beautiful snow can make a plain old chain link fence!! Enjoy it, it makes for some great blogging material!!

  25. I'd have to say I prefer the photos of the Virginia Creeper vine to the snow (not always my favorite to have to be out in although it is pretty in pictures.)

  26. The red leaves are beautiful, dear Ida! What a beautiful way of capturing nature.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs

  27. I think this is the first time I noticed that a chain link fence (the one with the snow) has little heart shapes at certain angles. Very nice shots, Ida.

  28. Very creative shots. I think the second one is my favorite.

  29. Love all your fence pictures :)Very nice close ups! *thumbs up*

    ツ Knipsa

  30. Nice photos with the redvine and so different fences... but the snow had not must come -
    Magpies are really pretty birds.
    Have a quiet weekend :-)

  31. I love your fences Ida it looks like winter has a grip on you too. Keep warm. Hug B

  32. Well, that is one way to make a chain link fence pretty!

  33. Great shots! I really like the one with the ring. So nice! Stay warm!!!! Brrrr!

  34. They are all nice shots. I love the magpie!

  35. You got some great fence shots. I really like the vine growing on these fence. The snow covers all when it arrives. We had a dusting of snow yesterday.

  36. I had to pick some shots I took in the summer of the chain link fence across from my house. It has a similar vine too. I love it as photographic inspiration: it makes such a simple frame for anything.
    Great capture with the peanut thief!!

  37. Cool looking clouds. Looks like mountains of snow to me.

  38. Great photos! I just love the red vine against the fence...the contrast is wonderful! And I love the fence and snow!

  39. Great eye! I do love your fence photographs.

  40. The warm red vine against the gray cold metal fence is a nice contrast. It's also a beautiful red. And I really like the curly tendrils too. Stay warm and slip on the ice. The weather does sound terrible.

  41. fences are great for the wined to climb. Nice shot on the magpie :)

  42. Wonderful fence shots! I love those red leaves.


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