Sunday, December 14, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - December 14, 2014

Hello! - If you are dropping in for "Good Fences" just click on the link to be taken to that post.

I am so "behind" on commenting that it isn't even funny.  Just know I am enjoying your posts and will try to comment as time allows.

Joining in with Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for

This weeks prompts were:  Shiny, Underneath, Decorations, Fresh, and Colorful.

 SHINY:   This wreath had a very "shiny" bow on it.  I love looking at the different wreaths they have for sale at the Christmas Tree lot we visit every year.  We don't buy them though as they are usually way to expensive.


We just put our tree up yesterday and haven't yet decorated it.  So this morning I stuck some of the stuffed animals Coleen has one in those (claw machines) underneath the tree.  I think they look cute there and they may just stay underneath the tree now.


Part of our yard "decorations."   Notice all the leaves around them.  We had super high winds this past week (Gusts up to 64 mph) and it blew leaves into the yard and whipped the decorations around.  I fastened down several of them more then once that day.


Coleen loves to visit Santa every year and have her picture taken with him.  Just look at the "fresh" happy smiles on their faces.  Such joy.


These 2 new Gingerbread ornaments are quite cute and "colorful."  They'll be heading onto the tree very soon.

SHS will be taking a bit of a break until after the New Year so be sure to stop in an let Ashley know how much you enjoy this meme.


  1. Hello Ida, wonderful images for your photo hunt.. I like the decorations and the cute shot of Coleen with Santa.. enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. Hello Ida, wonderful images for your photo hunt.. I like the decorations and the cute shot of Coleen with Santa.. enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  3. cute gingerbread and very cute 'underneath'. :)

  4. Your lawn ornaments are cute as ever,Ida! Its hard to have lawn ornaments where we live due to all the snow. But we light up our home with pretty white lights. They look so pretty with the snow.
    Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Nice ornaments and beautiful child. It's not only you who are behind in correspondence. Seems I just don't have enough time to be retired!

  6. What a nice, Christmas-sy post! I think "underneath" is my favorite! Lovely photos for all of the words.
    I'm so busy as well that I haven't even blogged this week since Tuesday. But now, with y last holiday fair done, I feel a bit more relaxed.

  7. Those bows are pretty. Colleens animals are very cute under the tree. Your yard decorations are cute.

  8. Nice set of Christmassy photos today - and I really like that bright bow a lot!

  9. cute ornaments at the end and i think those claw animals need to stay. so cute

  10. Glad your decorations survived the winds. We lost two large "shatterproof" ornaments that were hanging from our eaves. I found one several blocks away, cracked but not shattered. Lots of redecorating and fence mending going on in my neighborhood this week!

  11. I don't usually think of lavender as a Christmas colour but it really does look nice in your photo I have to admit. Colleen is very cure with Santa!

  12. I love all the Christmas themed photos you've included this week!

  13. Nice to see that Coleen still enjoys Santa.

  14. How cute are those ornaments! I heard about your crazy winds, my sister said it was nuts in Portland!

  15. Great holiday photos! Very nice one of Coleen and Santa!

  16. Ida, I think you did a great Christmas job of getting all the scavenger items.

  17. I think those little guys like being under the tree! And the one of Colleen and Santa is delightful.

    Had the choir's Christmas musical at church this morning. Called "Mary, Did You Know?" Husband sings in the choir and they've been practicing this since September. They did a wonderful, inspiring job.

    Blessed third week of Advent!
    :) m & jb

  18. What a fun post!!! Have a wonderful week!!!

  19. What a happy and beautiful smile of Coleen!
    Love all photos of Christmas theme.

  20. Yes I love those smiles, Colleen looks so happy. Great post Ida, very festive.

  21. Love the shot of Coleen and Santa!

  22. I love those little gingerbread men! I have some gingies to share one day this week! It's a busy and fun time! Happy holidays!

  23. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, Ida. You have some pretty things here. Paula from south Texas

  24. What a fun Christmas post you made of this, Ida! Gets me in the spirit, especially now that I'm starting to catch up a little.

  25. Beautiful photos and I love Coleen and Santa. Merry Christmas to you all.

  26. Your place is looking very festive!! Such precious smile...I think it's great that she still likes to sit on Santa's lap.. Enjoy the day...

  27. Love the elf under the tree, and what a nice looking Santa. He fits the bill quite well. :)

  28. I have a shiny bow like that on my wreath! I am lucky enough to have a talented mom who helped me make my own -- because they store ones are beautiful BUT so expensive.
    Love the gingerbread ones! so cute.

  29. Coleen does have bright eyes and such a happy face! Bless her :) I'm way, way behind on commenting on blogs, as usual. I used to keep up with it, but no more! I'm hoping to stay home today, drink tea, knit, and do nothing but blog read and watch a show or two. Have been WAY too busy in recent weeks! Relax, and enjoy your holiday season :)

  30. Oh goodness, there is a lot of cuteness with your finds.

  31. All your finds were just in fun and darling Christmas spirit! Great underneath too!

  32. Happy Holidays.
    Nice holiday yard decorations.

    I haven't done any shopping for Christmas and I don't plan to. I have a few earring supplies and plan to make earrings for my loved ones, those will be my gifts, nothing more. I don't do the commercialism of Xmas just keep it simple and remember my blessings and remain in thankfulness.

  33. Oh, I love the stuffed animals under the tree - they're so cute! (I'd leave them there!)


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