Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good Fences, Good Art

Howdy! - Before I get started with today's post I'd like to thank everyone who sent get well wishes.  I've been battling a case of Bronchitis this past week along with taking care of my mom who also had Bronchitis and nursing my Granddaughter, Coleen who ended up with the flu and was home all last week.  Let's just say it was not an easy week but things are slowly returning to normal.  It meant a lot to know you cared.

So now let's join in on some fun with Good Fences and a new photo art Meme called, Photo Art Thursday.  I've combined the two of them today with my photos.

GOOD FENCES is hosted by Theresa from (The Run-a-round Ranch Report)   and PHOTO ART THURSDAY is hosted by Cherie from (The Froelich Diaries).

First up I spotted this stone wall/fence and trees while out driving one day.  I just liked the way the trees looked that day and decided to snap a photo.  The next 2 shots show the same scene jazzed up a little and then turned into some photo art.

Click to enlarge photos.

I played around using 3 different photo editing sites to come up with the final photo. Pic Monkey, Pixlr-o-Matic and BeFunky were all used here to create the final scene.

Now one more before we go because it's just so much fun to create photo art .

Another Fence scene that I spotted on this same drive around town.

I found the stump of the tree inside the fence to be interesting and of course the weathered look of the fence as well.  So here is the "artistic" version of this scene.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing the fences in real life and in photo art.  Do stop by both Theresa and Cherie's blogs to check out the other participants.
Cherie's is a new meme so be sure to spread the word so more people will join in on the fun.


  1. Wow, that's a fence. Those stones fit together perfectly!

  2. I like stone walls. Wish we had some 'round here.


  3. Hello Ida, great captures and fence scenes. I love the trees in the first shot..Wonderfil edits and images. I like the quote you added to the last shot.. Have a happy day!

  4. Love your fence choices Ida! I always appreciate a good quote, too.

  5. the trees and that stone wall are just beautiful! thanks, ida! glad things are looking up!

  6. I love the beautiful artsy effects. And I'd like to use a quote on one of mine soon...great idea! Hugs!

  7. oh no.. not a meme on photo art.. you know my addiction to playing with photos is out of control... my favorite today is the last one. love it. and the first scene has lines and circles all in a row. great find on that one...

  8. great idea to use the fence for both meme

  9. The stone wall is really beautiful. I especially like the jazzed up version of the photo.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog and the friendl comment!
    Your picures are very interestin, i like it !
    ♥ly greatings from germany

  11. Some good looking fences here.. I LOVE the editing on the last one.


  12. I think I prefer the un-doctored stump shot. Great stone wall.

  13. I really enjoyed the picture art, lovely pictures.

  14. That was a big tree, before there was some pasture!

    Nice creative work, Ida.

  15. It's been a while since my last visit. You've been having lots of fun and have wonderful photographs to show for it. Love those stones! Hard to choose, but I think the first photograph is my favourite.

  16. Oh nice Ida all I like of fences and I like your quote with last one. Thumbs Up .

  17. I love the trees and the stone wall but I think the second fence needs a lick of paint.

  18. love the second shot of the trees but not keen on the third version but it is great to experiment. In the one of the stump behind the fence think I'd have liked to have tried to keep a bit more of the texture in the fence.

  19. Fabulous!! Hi Ida. So nice to meet you. I love the stone fence and the last one with both your editing. Great quote you added.
    Bronchitis has hit so many this season including my family.
    Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.
    I enjoyed my visit here and visiting from Good Fences.
    Have a nice weekend.

  20. Hello Ida, so glad to hear you're feeling much better. You certainly had your hands full. Hugs :D)

    I have a great admiration for stone walls - a lot of skill goes into their making doesn't it.
    You had a load of fun with the photo art too. I love the effects, and thanks for mentioning the photo editors you used, I shall have to check them out!

  21. So sorry to hear about your tough week Ida and glad to hear everyone is feeling a whole lot better. I am wishing you all good health from now on.

    Your photos are great and I love the creative touches. Love the stonework!

  22. I like both original and art ones. And, you are still welcome to join in NF DAM.

  23. Love the artistic shots. And so glad to hear y'all are on the mend. Sounds like an exhausting week!

  24. Wow, they are terrific scenes and then you changed them up in a fun and creative flair! Very nice.

  25. Great pictures and an awesome quote!! I actually really like the peeling paint!!

  26. Those are both nice! Love the stone! The stone fences here are usually made up of flat stones.

  27. Beautiful stone wall and its great what we can do with the photo editing nowadays isn't it.

  28. Love those fences and the photo art! How fun.

  29. Hi Ida.

    Lovely site! Lovely work! It looks like you have a lot of fun with your camera.

    Thanx for visiting me at Christ in me.

    God bless.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  30. Ida you've captured my heart with BOTH yours trees and fence photos. Two of my favorite things. So happy to see you had fun playing with altering them a bit.

    Thanks so much for participating in my linkup and sending some friends over as well!!!

  31. Love the two different types of fences and your edits!

  32. Hi Ida! Well I love to play with photos so I love what you did to these.I like the trees too behind the beautiful stone wall! I like your edited one the best.. :)

  33. What a week! Hope everyone recovers quickly! That stone and the trees behind make a great shot.

  34. Like the first fence and in my younger years I would have like to scrape the second and give it a good two coats of paint. Now in my older years I just enjoy the rustic look.

  35. You found some great fences and did a super job on that editing of them.

  36. Dearest Ida; Wow, the scene with great stone wall with trees are magnificent. And the wonderful editing♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako

  37. Love the stone fence.

    Hope you're all on the mend!

  38. Hi Ida,
    The trees are beautiful.
    You sentiment / quote on the fences is also very nice.
    I am glad you got to play around with some editing software. I have an edited version of a photo in my post tomorrow.
    Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  39. Love your fences and am intrigued by your photo art. Must visit that meme you mention to check it out.

  40. I like that rock fence. I also like all the special effects you applied to your photo.

  41. Fences sure make an interesting subject. And stone walls, they remind me of the UK

  42. I love stone fences; it takes talent to make them look orderly!

    Your photo art turned out really lovely!

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my fences.

    Glad to hear you are starting to feel better.


  43. I love that first fence and everything you did with it. Well, I love the second one, too. Nice!

  44. Oh, I love your photos Ida! Hope you continue to feel better. Bronchitis is nasty stuff. Our granddaughter had it a couple weeks ago.😟

  45. Glad to hear you are all on the mend and feel up to blogging again. Love the Tolkein quote! I was going to use it myself but decided to wait when I saw you had used it. I like the way you placed the quote on the fence rails.

  46. Love the stone wall. It looks great unaltered and the second image is gorgeous!

  47. Ida, I'm so glad you are on the mend, and things are improving.

    There is a lot of know-how in making dry stone walls. This one is very well made, and looks great in front of the trees. Nicely spotted!:) Fun photo art images too.
    Best Regards.

  48. Beautiful fence scenes, Ida! I love the different effects and the quote is wonderful. Thank you for your kind comments on losing Champ. He's with Rebel now. xo Karen

  49. Great stone walls. I love the trees! :) Have a nice day!

  50. Loving your arty work! I'm glad the health is starting to improve, I'm fighting the bugs too! S x

  51. Excellent post, and I like the last quote and how you designed it in the photo--it fits perfectly. The first shot is lovely as well. Sorry to hear about your bronchitis--and your mother's and granddaughter's illnesses. It doesn't sound like fun! Praying you all stay well!

  52. Beautiful those fences.

  53. i enjoy the more yellowish pictures ... they look more painting like. very very soon. hope you are well. have a nice weekend. ( :

  54. Hi Ida, Excellent post for Good Fences. Nice work! John

  55. Love the stone wall and the trees leaning every which way! Great job at your photo art, too.

  56. It is a very nice rock wall and I love all those trees.

  57. I like your experimentation in the processing of these images. Very interesting results.

  58. I love your fences and your beautiful art photos....

  59. Beautiful fence shots and it DOES sound as if you have all had a miserable's to getting better asap! :)

  60. Fence and art together :)
    Love the wall and the fence and especially what you did with them. Looks great!
    Have a fine day

  61. Very nice -- I like the first fence, esp. with that first filter effect. Nice color and texture contrast.

  62. Sorry to hear you've had and been surrounded by illness. Hope everyone is well. That's a nice stone fence, and I like the way the trees look behind it, too. The second fence is nice, too--good find!

  63. I do hope you are feeling better....
    Great does need a little paint job! It's just a tad bit weathered!! I'm your newest follower!

  64. Hope everyone in the family is feeling better. You seem to have had fun with these two fence images. My favourite is the watercolor with the tree stump. I really like that watercolor effect.

  65. A great Tolkien quote!!

    I really like the lighting in that second shot of the rock fence. It really makes the setting pop.

    and the stump adds great visual interest behind the fence. I like it when I find "art" in nature. :)

  66. Hello Ida!:) I came over again to thank you for being my latest follower.:) I say again, because I notice the comment I made yesterday on your post didn't go through.

    I love dry stone walls, and have watched a few being made over the years. The one in your photo is relly well done, and makes a good fence in front of the trees. Very nice photos, and editing. I'm glad you are on the mend, and things are better.

  67. Wow, your jazzed up images are real stunners!! I love the quote by Tolkien.

  68. I would so love to have a stone fence! The picture makes me think of warmer days also.

  69. Ida I just love your fences and especially love your processing on the last one where you added the quote. So sorry to hear that you have had bronchitis. That is just no fun, and the last time I got it I ended up in the hospital. Take it easy and get well in a hurry. Hope your weekend will be a good one!

  70. Hi Ida..wonderful beautiful..I am lovin all the versions you created..they each carry a different vibe and energy!AWesome quote. I love stone walls/fences too ..such a powerful and magical feel.
    Wishing you a fantastic wkd..always enjoy my visit to your creative world!

  71. Wow. I need to get more creative with photos!

  72. Sending good energy your way, Ida... hope everyone is back to scratch real soon :) I've been under the weather myself for most of the month, so I would love a fitter February ;)

  73. I do LOVE stone walls! And I like the trees a lot too!

  74. Oh, my goodness. I love that rock wall...I like the original just fine, LOVE the second shot of it...and like the third, too.

    Sorry you have been sick. Our grandaughter was sick last week..I don't know if it was 'the' flu, but it was some kind of stomach bug. I had the flu over the holidays, and ended up in the emergency room Christmas day/evening.

    And husband was sick at the same having sympathy pains for what you have just been through.

  75. I love that stone wall! The weathered fence is lovely too. Have a great week!

  76. Nice edits!! Playing around with different effects is so much fun, isn't it?!

    Hope everyone is feeling better.

  77. I need to get in on the fence link one of these days. Good ones.

  78. Forgot to tell you how much jb and I like your Winter Header! :) :) :)

  79. Goodness, the photos are fabulous -- originals and altered! Bronchitis, too! You poor thing!

  80. Thanks for visiting, Ida. Playing around with photos IS fun; I just have so little time for it these days. It was nice to see your photo art.

  81. I like the stone fence--it os very symmetrical and neat.

  82. That rock fence is amazing! And I think you perfectly paired the wood fence with the quote. Love your processing. Also, thank you for the continual words of support for our family's struggle right now. I deeply appreciate it. x0

  83. number 2 photo I really like a lot - anything with stone my eye is drawn to it.. Have a super day -- I hope you are totally feeling BETTER..


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