Thursday, February 19, 2015

Good Fences #48 and Photo Art

Hello Friends.  Thank you for stopping by.

Let's get started today with Theresa's (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) meme:  GOOD FENCES.

It's been a pretty nice week here weather wise.  The sun has actually been out almost all week and temps in the low 50's.  I can't complain.

Coleen and I walked to the park on Monday as she had the day off from school.  We took my mom's dog, Pixie with us.  Along the way I looked for fences to photograph.  I spotted this one and just had to take a couple of pictures.  Does this not remind you of a home you might see near the ocean?

Of course the nearest ocean to us is about a 6 hour drive.  I just liked the grasses near the fence and how they looked.

Since the optional theme for Nature's Footstep Digital Art this week was, Sepia I converted the above photo into Sepia tones and added a bit of texture to come up with this art photo of the same scene.

So which do you prefer....color or sepia?

Cherie from the Froelich Diaries hosts a new art meme PHOTO ART THURSDAY and I've also created something for that as well. At the moment her link for this isn't up but I'm posting anyway. 

It started out to be my Sepia piece but I just couldn't leave it in sepia tones so here is the original (SOOC) and the altered version.


  1. That is a beautiful fence...I love either version. But guess in ways your sepia version really appeals to me a little bit more. But not sure.

  2. it really does look beachy and is a beautiful fence. i love your art piece, great job on that one. and i like the color better than sepia, but sometimes i like sepia better.. i love the colors of the beachy photos. we are having the same as you today, low 50's and bright sun and a lot of wind

  3. Hello Ida, love the pretty fence and the grasses.. Your artsy images are pretty too. I love the quote you added.. Have a happy day!

  4. My goodness, you covered a lot of ground with this post. First I love the fence but I may love the grasses more. Grasses do make beautiful pictures especially as they sway in the wind. Beautiful post, Ida ... loved it all:)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. The fence/grass motive has different expressions. The first, sharp winterly and beautiful!
    The sepia has a soft atmosphere of lost time, like an old film...

  6. I love the fence shots. There is a Southern Gothic feel to them. Nice!

  7. The white fence and cat tails make me think of the beach and summer!

  8. Hello Ida!:) It's amazing how colour can completely change an image and transport you to a different place. I like all the images, but love the second one,and because of the colour, it does remind me of a fence that could be by the sea.Just as the sépia images could be a fence in a different continent like Africa.

  9. i enjoy the wave of the fence. makes me think of the beach. very peaceful too. ( :

  10. I love your photos today! The fence does remind me of those by the sea! I can't decide which I like better, the sepia or original - they are both really nice. Our sunny streak has ended over this side of the mountains - rain today :(. I can't complain, the weather has been wonderful for February, hasn't it? So nice that you got to spend the afternoon with sweet Colleen. Hugs xo Karen

  11. Hi Ida, I do love that pretty fence with the grasses. Lovely to look at but guess it may drive the owner(s) crazy ;D)
    It definitely does have a seaside flavour.
    I really enjoy your digital art too - my preference is for the sepia version, it gives such a gentle tone.
    Your final photo is wonderful - you have a very good sense of this kind of style. Love the quotation too :D)

  12. The fence does indeed remind me of a beach scene. Love the shape of it. The sepia is my favorite. It has that vintage beach feel.
    LOVE the last art photo?
    I will have to tell you inspired me with your previous posts to try BeFunky the other day for a few minutes. I can hardly wait to play around there.

  13. You certainly did do an awesome in all of the photos.. I went back and forth looking at the fence to see which I like the best. No best for me...I love all the shots. The sepia does age the picture and it looks like a old home place. AND....the last two pics are wonderful! Great Job.

  14. The traditional picket fence, but with a bit of a curve in the top. Nice.

  15. I like them both, but if I had to pick I would say the color one. Very pretty!

  16. Yes, the grasses and the style remind of the ocean. It's been a long time, I miss it!

  17. I love the white picket fence.

  18. love the sepia edition! Comes over as warm and nostalgic.

  19. I love that first fence especially in the colour.

  20. Hi Ida, this is a great fence and interesting design to the pickets. It does look like it is near the ocean. Love the sepia tones too.
    Your last photo edit is beautiful.
    Have a nice evening.

  21. Yes, your fence images definitely look like the beach should be very nearby! :-) I have a slight preference for the color image over sepia, but the sepia definitely gives the image a sunny, warm vintage feel.

    As always, I'm hugely impressed by your photo art submissions, and today's quote is perfect for the image.

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my fence.


  22. Super photos and I love your editing of them Ida.

  23. Pretty fence! I like how the top swoops down and then up again.

  24. Oh, love that last picture! Very special!

  25. Both the colour and the sepai version are most appealing. Love those grasses whispering round the fence.

  26. Wonderful composition, delicious fence, pretty pictures!

  27. I had to have patience to come through to your post.
    It was wohwhile.
    Like it.
    Have a nice day,

  28. in this instance i like the whiteness of the fence so prefer the original to the sepia.

  29. Love both of your images. The second one, with the Gandhi quote is great.

  30. Lovely photos, Ida. I like both the colour and the sepia. You're right: it's a fence that looks like it should be beside the sea. And those wonderful feathery grasses look just like they belong in a sand dune by the beach, which adds to the effect. Glad to hear you're enjoying some nice weather. It really gladdens the soul at this point in the year, doesn't it. All the best for a lovely weekend, Bonny

  31. I like them all but I think Sepia just has the edge for me! Suzy x

  32. That fence is absolutely charming and I love the way you composed your image! Lovely. :)

  33. I 'd take the sepia fence I think. Like the curves the fence shows of in colour and sepia.

  34. Your photo art is great, and I love the Gandhi quote. Gives me hope! I like seeing both versions of the grass/fence one and it does look coastal.

  35. A strong post of interesting fence pictures. Nice work.

  36. those wispy, ornamental grasses are so popular here at the shore!!

    they are looking mighty pretty with the nice white fence!!!

  37. I actually like teh sepia fence better. The original one looks much colder. :) I like the other one with the grass to. :)

  38. What a beautiful fence! I love the wavy shape of it - we have a few of those fences in my neighborhood and I always enjoy them. Turning it into sepia is beautiful, it gives the photo a different mood.
    Your photo art piece is gorgeous!

  39. I admire your creativity. I think I prefer the fence and grasses in colour. They go together so well. Really like what you did with the last shot.

  40. Love the fence and grasses! Yes, it does look like it belongs near the ocean!

  41. Those grasses do look like sea oats that you'd see on the sand dunes. Pretty fence! Glad you had a nice walk in good weather!

  42. If I had a home by the beach, I would absolutely have a house, fence and tall grass just like this. Beautiful.
    Love the edits -- and your chosen quote just became my new favourite.


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