Friday, April 24, 2015

6 Words, Willy Nilly Randoms and of Course Cats.

Joining in today for :   -  Click to Enlarge All Photos.




Let's get started:  Adrienne (My Memory Art) hosts this meme.  This weeks word was:

LIMIT.  Here is what I came up with. 

The Original SOOC (Straight Out of Camera Shot) is first.

                                        A plain tulip has been transformed.......

                                                     I did not limit my creativity.


Tanya from (Around Roankoke) hosts: Willy-Nilly Friday Five.
1.  My hubby has been working on a job project where an apartment complex is being built.  He told me the other day that the job site was the former sight of an hisotric school that use to be located on the property.  The school is long gone now but they have erected a sign telling about it's history.  I went down today and took pictures of the sign.

It's fun to learn more about the history of our town.

2.  I shared a photo earlier this week of my mom's Lilac Tree.  I couldn't resist sharing another photo today.  Even though the scent of the tree makes me sneeze I still think it's stunning.

3.  Something I spotted on a lawn while walking around the neighborhood.  This one is for the guys (although girls like them too).  My hubby owns one, just got it fixed but hasn't been able to ride yet due to the broken finger on his hand.

4.  I found this on a photo drive this morning.

What a neat little water wheel.  I looked up waterwheels and found this You Tube Video that is super cool.

It's lengthy but fascinating.

5. Another of my mom's flowers.  This one is an Azalea bush.  I was surprised when I uploaded the photo to discover something in the middle of the flower.  Can you spot it?


Yep there's a ladybug there.  Do you like bugs?  How about some of these:

God's creation is fantastic don't you think.


Eric (the cat) as Pop Art.

The Orignal:

Isn't he a handsome kitty.

Now for some information.  I am moving my CAPTION THIS to Monday.  Very few put a caption to last weeks photo so I'm extending the deadline.  Visit on Monday for more details.
Have a great weekend.


  1. eric is really cute. :) love the blooms - always love the lilacs and miss them.

  2. Eric looks magnificent in art and on the chair.. and love your first art creation and the quote on it. hubby has wanted a harley for 30 years we have been married and i have refused. we have one per month killed on a bike here in our town and more than that injured. he says on the way home from m funeral, if i go first, he is stopping at the Harley dealer.

  3. Cool cat pictures! Love them! Also love that lilac and the azalea...beautiful! What a neat water wheel as well.

  4. Gorgeous flower pics! I did spot the ladybug before I scrolled down. Love Feline Friday even though I don't have anything to contribute. My husband is a motorcycle enthusiast, too. Me...I hate the things. Well, we don't both have to like all the same things. He doesn't like British murder mysteries. Go figure.

  5. Love the artsy version of your tulip! So bright and cheerful!

  6. Eric looks great as pop art. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. Eric is handsome.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  8. Hi Ida,
    Great flowers, nice fountain and then the awesome Eric!
    Happy Friday and Wish you a Great Weekend!
    Peace :)

  9. Yep, that was that ladybug. I love surprises like that. and I am always sad when old buildings are torn down for newer more ugly modern structures. But, that's me.

  10. What a great photo of the flower with the ladybug in it!

  11. Nice post - and that cat "pop art" is very cool!

  12. Wonderful series of images. I love the blossoms and your cute kitty.. Have a happy weekend!

  13. Of course cats! What a fine collection of photos! Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Some very cool post editing Ida! I love to play with pictures and like seeing other people's photos that they have edited!

  15. Love love love the Spring flowers, which of course we don't have here in Florida. Lilacs are wonderful ... I can almost smell that bush from here... And if we could actually do that, my husband would be sneezing right along with you. Sigh.

  16. Wonderful pictures Ida . . .
    Loved the 'Pop Art' . . .

  17. Wonderful pictures Ida . . .
    Loved the 'Pop Art' . . .

  18. I love the water wheel, that would be fun to have in our yard.
    Lady bugs are nice, but asian beetles are another story! I am highly allergic to those little buggers.

  19. I love your artistic edits.

  20. I think I like the original flower and cat image a bit more. It is fine to do the edits, but the originals are more special.

  21. I will try to do feline Friday at some point soon. I think that lilac tree is so cool!

  22. I love the flowers.

    The six words are perfect. I am in awe every where I turn. What a marvelous Creation we have.

    I love bugs. This looks like a native lady bug. We have an invasion of the Asian Lady Bug. I take a few pictures and have been known to lay down and watch an ant hill til for a long time.

  23. Lovely photos, Ida. Lilac flowers are amongst my favourites. I adore how they smell. Your cat photo is stunning. It was really clever of you to frame your handsome cat with that amazing leopard print rug. It looks very "Out of Africa". Hope you're having a great weekend. All the best, Bonny

  24. Lovely photos, Ida. Lilac flowers are amongst my favourites. I adore how they smell. Your cat photo is stunning. It was really clever of you to frame your handsome cat with that amazing leopard print rug. It looks very "Out of Africa". Hope you're having a great weekend. All the best, Bonny

  25. I love it that you did not limit your creativity. Nobody should, ever!

    Lilacs, mmhmm, how I love their scent...

  26. Cool Photos macro, pure delight, I love !!

  27. If I could have a lilac tree in my yard, and a bike in my driveway, I think that would be a very good life! ha
    at first I thought that water wheel was supposed to be a ride, and I was like "oh, no no...don't get on that."

  28. So many lovely photos, but my favourite is the lilac. I love lilacs!! We're just starting to see the first flowers blooming here - finally!

  29. a wonderful group....the tulip images (yellow) were so dreamy!!!!

  30. Lovely lilacs, but my favorite is Eric the cat with the cat print behind him. He fits so well into the background.

  31. Liked reading your five, and I LOVE your feline art!


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