Monday, April 6, 2015

The Good, The Random, The Fun

Happy Monday! -  It's been sometime since I've participated in Tamar's Meme ( The Good The Random The Fun.) so I thought today I would join in on the fun.
Last week while the weather was beautiful I got out and drove around to take some pictures.  There is a home that grows these gorgeous miniature Iris plants.  They have just started blooming.  This is one of the groups of plants.  Coleen liked these because the color was so unusual.  I like the fact that the lighting in this shot is so pretty.
After we got back from taking the Iris pictures we took my mom's dog Pixie for a walk.  We walked through a retirement community and discovered some pretty fountains and a waterfall.

 How fun would it be to sit on a bench and listen to this waterfall.


Since yesteray was Easter it wouldn't be right to not share some photos of Coleen enjoying Easter fun.

Hunting eggs.  It was cold outside (only 44 degrees and overcast) so she was wearing a jacket over her Easter dress to stay warm.  Thankfully it didn't rain until later in the afternoon.

One of the gifts in her Easter Basket was a Bubble Gun.  She had a blast with that.

Her favorite part was creating a gigantic mass of bubbles.

It was fun to watch her having so much fun. 

Have a great start to your week and don't forget to stop by Tamar's blog and check out the other Good, Random, Fun participants.


  1. colleen had fun. :) neat irises!

  2. Love your bubble picture! Spring flowers are just about ready to bloom. Happy to shed my winter coat.

  3. now i feel the urge to go and buy myself a bubble gun.. that is so much fun and i could play with the camera and the bubble gun... those iris are really pretty and i agree about the lighting on them. so beautiful..

  4. Love the pretty flowers and bubbles! It's been so nice to finally get nicer weather by me!

  5. Beautiful irises you captured! Looking for eggs and bubbles makes Easter extra fun:)

  6. Such fun images! I really like the last one.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  7. That bubble photo is so fun! Wow on the irises blooming. Mine are just starting to shoot up but they're not minis.

  8. The irises are beautiful! It is nice seeing Colleen had fun with the bubble gun..Have a happy new week!

  9. i love bubbles. how did that last shot happen? that is so cool!! ( :

    love the iris. have a nice week, Ida.

  10. I like that bubble gun! Looks like fun!

  11. Pretty flowers and loved the waterfall.
    Colleen looks like she had fun making all those bubbles. : )

  12. Those miniature irises are so pretty. Love the bubble shots.

  13. Such pretty spring images! The bubble gun looks like so much fun - sweet photos. xo Karen

  14. These photos are wonderful and made me smile - especially the bubbles! Have a great day!

  15. I can almost hear the water tumbling over the rocks. The bubbles are so much fun.

  16. Love your header - been too long since I've visited. It looks like you had a very nice Easter (chilly weather aside). Those bubble guns are so fun.

  17. Holy cow! That's a lot of bubbles.

  18. Oh I love those bubble guns!!! you can make so many bubbles. we also had this toy lawn mower bubble blower once. when you moved it over the lawn it "talked" and out of the mouth came bubbles. it was hilarious.
    I am hoping when I return home from my trip, that I might see some Spring flowers popping up next week.

  19. Such fun. I want a bubble gun!

  20. i miss having easter fun with the kids. we did not really celebrate this year, i just spent the day with my mom!!!

    the irises are so pretty!!!

  21. Love your shots and what a great photo of Colleen using that amazing bubble machine. Can't believe how many bubbles there are there. I always love bubbles, and am really way past the age I should be doing that... but oh well. Your irises are also great looking.


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