Thursday, May 7, 2015

Good Fences #59 - A Froggy Went a Courtin

Welcome!  -  Thank you all for the congratulations on our newest furry edition.  Bandit is fitting in quite nicely.   You'll be seeing a lot of him on the blog in coming days.

Today though it's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by the awesome, Theresa from (The Run-a-round Ranch Report.)

I spotted this cute gate while out on one of my photo walks.  I just had to share it.

Normally I don't like to take photos in the Portrait setting as I just don't think they look as large as they should.  However in this case I made an exception so you could see the top of the gate too.

Here's a little close view.  Notice the "Beware of Dog" tag on the gate.  I didn't see any dog so perhaps it was inside on this day.  (Whew) as I'm not a big fan of scary dogs.
Finally a close-up of my favorite part of this gate.....
I love frogs and thought this sweet little frog couple made for a unique and adorable gate. 
I hope you've enjoyed seeing it.
Bonus shot....
Sorry I couldn't resist.  We found Bandit asleep on top the CD player last night.  Silly boy.


  1. the frogs are whimsical and unique. cute bandit!

  2. Hello Ida, I love the gate and the cute frogs! And Bandit is adorable.. Have a happy day!

  3. Isn't that cute! Kissing frogs are very original! Mind you, I did have to look closely to see the beware of dog sign!
    Love your new kitty! Adorable!

  4. Love the froggy unique! And Bandit is just a sweetie :)

  5. Fab gate. Fabber Bandit. Looks like he's gonna be a medium hair at least. I'm in love with him already!
    ;) m & jb

  6. i like that gate and glad you showed up close, i could not tell what the frogs were until the last shot. cool gate and bandit is beyond cute

  7. Wow, is that cute! Both, the fence and Bandit...

  8. Hi Ida, great froggy gate. Love your pics and your sweet Bandit it too cute.
    Have a nice weekend.

  9. I would never have guessed a frog couple - very fun and such an unusual gate.

  10. Great fence find! I could see that in our yard. Bandit is a smart cat and very beautiful, of course.

  11. A Froggy Went a Courtin - perfect.

  12. An unusual gate, I like it.

  13. Oh, my goodness. I love that gate! and of course Bandit...I just want to snuggle with him. I am still looking for my picture of Roger...I know I have posted it but did not label it. And am on a chromebook and don't have my photos available. But you might enjoy the following post:

  14. Those frogs are adorable! Thank you for the close up, otherwise I probably wouldn't have noticed that it's frogs. What a cute idea!
    Your cat is adorable as well!

  15. Looks like Bandit is making himself at home. Very unusual gate...looks like vines are coming out of the top of the side poles.

  16. O, I love that cute gate and the little frog couple. :)
    You do find great gates and fences. :)

  17. Very cool gate! It's nice to come across something different.

  18. Darling kitty!!! Love the name Bandit too.

    And the froggy gate is very unique.

  19. Like the garden gate, nice find.
    Bandit is a cutie!

  20. that gate is adorable, you do find some amazing place and things on your walk!!

    i missed the post on your new kitty, but i want to go back and read it!!! but i must say, i am thrilled for you!!!

  21. Adorable gate and an even more adorable kitty!

  22. Fun froggy gate! Welcome to Bandit!

  23. Love the frogs on the gate! Cute!

  24. Froggies gone a courting on the fence. Nicely done.

  25. Oh my! I've never seen anything like it and you really do have to get up close to see. We both had unique fences today, didn't we? And thank you so much for your sweet comments. They made me feel better. Sweet hugs, Diane

  26. Bandit is a beautiful kitty! Love the fence shots!

  27. That is a charming gate. Sweet little Bandit. Kittens are so much fun.

  28. Bandit is such a cutie! Now, what were we talking about? Oh, yes--the unique gate you found. Nice find!

  29. Amazing, fabulous gate! So unique! I'm looking forward to seeing lots of photos of Bandit, too, as well as some of those of Eric you mentioned. Have a good weekend, Ida!

  30. Very cute gate! Never saw one like it before.

  31. That is a great catch on the gate and Bandit looks like he is feeling at home.

  32. Your new kitten is adorable--love his name! This is a very unusual fence gate. Very whimsical!

  33. Very unique gate and fence. The beware of dog sign is too small to warn me lol!

  34. Hello dear Ida! What a cute gate you shared with us today - I love the little picture on it too!
    Bandit is so adorable - I missed your post welcoming him, so I will hop over there right now!
    Hugs to you!

  35. Is that your house? Soooo pretty!
    The gate is so unique and darling and of course your kitty is too!

  36. Good morning.....Such a neat fence, with the lily pads and frogs on it. Great house as well.. I sure hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day weekend...Big hugs to you

  37. I like frogs, too, that's a great fence.

    Cute kitty, too!

  38. Bandit is smart and probably likes the warmth assuming the equipment is on.

  39. Ida I like this. It is real unique.
    Cute frogs.

    New kitty adorable.

    Thank you so much for the close up.

    Is everything okay with hubby.

  40. Oh I just love the gate! It's awesome! And that is one sweet kitty. Hope she settles in nicely at your home.

  41. That is a cute gate. Love your new little furry family member! How sweet!

  42. They sure are an adorable frog couple. I don't know how I missed this last week. I'm happy I caught it today.

  43. What a cute fur-baby he is! So sweet. I couldn't tell those were frogs at first :) That's a pretty gate.


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