Monday, June 8, 2015

Baby it's HOT outside.

Happy Monday.
Please note that you need to look at the Walla Walla, WA weather.

Check out our expected High for today!    - Summer has arrived.  Thank goodness we have A/C.


  1. yup. we're in the 90s every day, now. stay as cool as you can!

  2. Sounds warm for June! (At least to me.) I'm not a fan of hot weather. ;)

  3. We will hit 90+ today in Texas....temps are on the rise!

  4. we are at 83 right now, exactly your temp, headed to 90... hot here to

  5. It's almost 90 here and not even noon...but I refuse to complain after the horrible spring weather. Maybe it's just going to be a bad year for all seasons.

  6. Summer and sunshine, it is a good thing. After our cold snowy winter. Have a happy Monday and new week ahead!

  7. Welcome to my world! Course we have had temps like that since April...and hotter.

  8. Hot, hot, hot here too!

    Emma and Buster

  9. We're hot on this side of the mountains, too! Stay cool!

  10. I just adore it, bring it on! This Minnesota girl needs to soak up the heat to last through the next winter!

  11. Nearly a 20 degree jump in temperatures?! Looks like you are going to have summer. We have a high of 90 forecasted here in Iowa for tomorrow.

  12. I think we are in for a really hot summer!

  13. Yikes! Guess I won't be complaining about our heat wave!

  14. Here too and we finally got some much needed rain!! I LOVE a/c but also would enjoy being outdoors more!!

  15. I am glad you clarified, because I saw the one in the 60s and thought - ah, sarcasm. LOL
    but that's what our temperatures are at right now, and I am wearing shorts, so obviously it is hot enough for me at the moment. I cannot imagine it getting to the 80s!!! although we do have late summer days that can climb that high.

  16. It was 89º here today! And humid!

  17. Even though we have rain over here, but the weather is very hot and humid here. We are staying indoor most of the day but only go out in the evening.

  18. It's climbing up to the 90s this week, in our area. Ugh. It will be horrifically hot the rest of the summer. I barely survive summer and am always desperate for AUTUMN. :)

  19. Yay, summer!! We aren't quite that hot, but pretty close. Sunshine, beautiful blue skies. And, oh yes, the mosquitoes are back - got my first bites today. Sigh!

  20. i always feel that spring is sometimes skipped over and jumps right into summer temps. i hope you will have much shade. i prefer spring and fall. my faves. ( :

  21. Yup - we are in the mid 90s over the last couple of days as well.
    Stay cool, Ida!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!
    Peace :)


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