Monday, June 1, 2015

Caption This Poll

Here are the 4 photos for my Caption This Poll - Click to Enlarge

A - White Cat

B - Doggie in the Window

C - Tulips

D - Camel

Please note the Poll for voting is on my side-bar right now.  The winner will be announced on Friday and what their prize is.  GO VOTE.


  1. Delightful captions on your photos!

  2. Haha! These are great! Hard to pick just one!

  3. Like the dog in the widow. : )

  4. These are all cute.....however, I did have a, I voted for that one!
    Waiting to see the winner....
    Happy Monday evening

  5. Fun post, Ida. The camel made me giggle. Thanks for stopping by and asking about my absence.I am fine, just been a lazy blogger, but do so appreciate your concern. Thanks!! PS I finally posted today.

  6. cute captions....a white object always looks 'over exposed' in my opinion.

    Loved your memorial day post too.
    Your kitty is gorgeous...would you look at those long whiskers?

  7. Yowza - that cat has got to work a lot to stay that clean in white!
    Super set of photos and the camel makes me smile every time I see him.
    Good one, Ida!
    Have a Beautiful Week!
    Peace :)

  8. These are so funny... great captions and love the doggie in the window...... Reminded me of something that I should do this weekend

  9. That's what I get for falling behind... I don't get to vote. Looking forward to seeing who the winner is.

  10. I'm too late to vote, but those are funny!


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