Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Fun - June 19, 2015

Welcome! - Okay let's get started on the fun.  Make not that there are several Memes featured here so if you don't see the one you are looking for keep scroll down. 

CAPTION THIS -  This is my own little "thing" that I've started doing.  Each week I post a photo and ask people to give it a Caption (you do this in the comment section) - Then next week I post the name of the person who gave the best caption.  At the end of the month those 4 winner go into a Poll to pick the winning caption for that month.  That person will receive a prize from me.

Click to Enlarge All photos.

Here is last weeks winner:  MessyMimi's Meanderings caption won.

I had a hard time picking a winner so I ended up cutting up the captions and picking a winner by having someone draw one of the captions out.  They were all so good this time (way to go people).
So here is this weeks Caption This photo:
You have until 12:00 am on Thursday (25th) to leave your caption.  Have fun.
Let's join Tanya (Around Roanoke) now for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE.
Today will be a bit different for me.  I generally include links about the stuff I post but that will not be the case today for all the photos. Instead I have a little "theme" going on with the photos.  You get to see if you can guess what it is. (No prize though for the correct guess) :o(
The neighbors house across the street - Yes I (spy) on people.  Just kidding.
Feathers from one of the colorful Phesant in our Parks Aviary.
Green maples leaves
Clematis vines in a neighbors yard (Yep, I'm spying again.)

Power pole lines in front of my mom's house.
6. - Bonus photo - Same theme though.
Another neighbors trees.
Okay what do you think I was going for with these photos?
Time now for FELINE ART
The original photo:
The Artistic Version:  I edited this using a photo frame found on
I love how this turned out.
That's it for today.  Coleen has a little friend staying over and we are going to go do something fun.  I'll visit your blogs when I can.


  1. Light, your theme is light, my favorite thing in a photo. and Coleen and the Cat both photos are AMAZING. the original and the edit. all the photos are fantastic today

  2. Great series for your Friday Fun! I love the pelicans and the cute shot of Coleen holding the kitty. The clematis is beautiful. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Lovely series and the photo of feathers is awesome!
    What a fun with the cat pictures!
    Have a nice weekend

  4. Those pelicans Ida. There's always a show-off.

  5. some lovely light play in those photos!

    my caption: can you hear me now?!

  6. (and that was a good one, messimimi!)

  7. These are fun. I'd say the theme of your group of photos is light.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I love all your photos, Ida. You've a great eye - not to mention a wicked sense of humour! But I especially like the one with lovely Colleen and her cat. Have a great weekend! All the best, Bonny

  9. oh i love all of these but especially the neighbor's house with the lights on...hope everyone has fun at the sleepover! thanks for linking and have a great weekend!

  10. For my caption this time: "There's one in every crowd!"

    And the theme for your Five I think is soft evening light or lovely light.

    And I love what you did with the child holding the cat photo. You are one clever lady!

  11. Love the feathers shot and the artistic one!

  12. Lovely shots. I love the colors of the feathers. That last shot is really cool.

  13. Lovely photos! I like the feathers, green maple leaves, clementis bloom and cat photos.
    Happy a happy weekend!

  14. What a fabulous collection of photos, they are all so different. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  15. Beautiful photos, Ida. Love the sparkly leaves shining in the sun!


  16. i love the pelicans ... & the last shot is very cool ... the pool cat reflection ... neat shot!! ( :

  17. You are so talented! Every time I visit I am in awe of all you do with your pictures.

  18. Wow, neat feline art this week! At first I hardly recognized it from the original photo--very nice! I enjoyed all your photos in this post. The "caption this" one is pretty fun!

  19. Your photography is lovely, Ida! I really like the header photo on your blog and the picture of the kitty drinking at the pool. Cats drink from our stream and pond too. I even had a dog (neighbor's) jump into the pond once! Have a great week!

  20. I love the last shot with the girl and the kitty reflected in the pool. Very creative!!!

  21. THis is a hodgepodge of things to view! The only theme that came to mind was texture. I'll have to see what you were thinking when you reveal.

  22. my caption:
    "Oh, know there's a BIG MOUTH in every crowd."

    Hope this is going to be a good week for you

  23. I get so far behind with everyone, and I meant to tell you in my last comment that I really liked your comment on my "List" post from a couple of weeks back. I would want to meet Jesus, too. That was great. I guess since we will be meeting him in Glory I was just thinking of people. :-)

  24. That pool photo is absolutely the coolest thing ever! Great job! I've never seen a photo edit like that before.
    I can't figure out what you were going for in your photos there.At first I thought "green." Lines? Not sure.

    So here's my caption contribution: "Oh shut up, Harry. You know you hate swim lessons too."

  25. All really neat photos! Great effect in the pool. For your caption, how about, "there's always got to be a show off".

  26. Texture? Were you going for texture?

  27. Great elements of light pictures. And nice editing, too.
    My caption: "Hail, hail! The gang's all here!"

  28. Light?
    I absolutely LOVE the artistic photo with Colleen.

  29. Oh, my word, I love how your photo art turned out! It's almost as though the kitty is looking into the pool, wishing for and imagining a little girl to love him.

  30. The last two photos are way cool!
    Have fun with your family, Ida!!
    Peace :)


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