Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Up, Up and Away

Happy Wednesday. -  A couple of weekends ago we took Coleen out to attend an event where they were offering FREE rides to kids in airplanes.  She's never flown in a plane before so this was the perfect opportunity for her to see what flying is like.  It was sponsored by a group called,

Linking up today for Wednesday Around the World.

Getting instructions on how the planes work.

This is the plane she went up in.

Her flying buddies (Alex and Alexander) who she just met and I cajoled into posing for a photo for me.

The Pilot helping her into the plane.

Headgear on and ready to go.

Slow taxi down the runway.

Just about to lift off.

We have take-off.

Up, Up and Away.

Coming in for the landing.


Incoming and Outgoing.

One happy flyer.  She wanted to go again but afte waiting over an hour for her turn to get on and a huge crowd of kids waiting for their flight we told her she'd have to wait until the next time they offered free rides.

She loved it!


  1. What a great experience for her and a wonderful photo record of the event.

  2. flying in a cessna is awesome! what a great thing for her!

  3. Oh wow, Coleen and the other children are lucky to have the free rides on the airplane. I am glad she enjoyed the ride. Now she will become a world traveler. I hope you day is wonderful!

  4. What a wonderful experience for her! You must have been a nervous wreck with her up there!! I know I would be. I'm glad she loved it!

  5. What a super way to introduce flying to a child, and she looks super happy so it's a win-win for her!

  6. Oh my!! how very exciting for you and her!!! Have a grand day!

  7. that is a beautiful plane and so is her smile as she walks off after the flight. what an exciting thing to do. that is great of them to do this for the kids.

  8. what a beautiful girl she is...and the blue and white plane is so pretty, too. Glad she liked it...i don't like it one bit.

  9. You bet she loved it!! It's so much more fun riding in a small plane like that than a 747 where you feel like you're just sitting in a cramped living room., sometimes for hours on end. I am so glad she got that opportunity. So nice of you to take her.

  10. My dad was a pilot and as a kid, I grew up riding in small planes piloted by my dad. It was great fun! I still love flying, airports and small planes. What a great opportunity for your granddaughter.

  11. That is wonderful that she got to try flying for free...

  12. That is one unforgettable memory.

    Emma and Buster

  13. What a great program for the kids!! Colleen got a pretty plain and she "matched" it!!

  14. That is so exciting! I love that you have an organization opening up such fun experiences to the kids!

  15. Beautiful photos of a happy child!
    Well done, Ida!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Peace :)

  16. What an exciting day for her. : )

  17. First...I love your header!!
    We have that here too, also put on by the Young Eagles! The kids absolutely love it! It's a wonderful opportunity for young people to get an experience in flying. And to learn what these planes are all about!


  18. What a neat experience for Coleen. My brother has always piloted small planes but I have never wanted to go up with him! lol I am happy that she enjoyed it and hope she gets to go again.

  19. What a fun ride and a great organization too. You captured the varying plane moments well.

  20. What a fabulous experience! And on such a cute little plane. I'm sure Colleen had a much more exciting time than she'd have had on one of the big jumbo jets that most people travel on. Great photos, Ida and good luck to Colleen for next time! All the best, Bonny

  21. What a fun post...I can only imagine how excited she would be ! :)

  22. How fun! I remember doing this as a child only we had to pay a penny for every pound we weighed. It was some type of fundraiser. That was the only time I've ever flown. I hope Coleen gets to fly more that I have!!

  23. Holy smokes! That's a wonderful experience. Lucky girl! Boy Ida, she's growing into such a lovely little lady, isn't she? :D

  24. We have a friend who recently offered his plane to take kids up for a short flight here in Fredericksburg. He really enjoyed it.

  25. What a fun adventure for Coleen! We're glad she had the opportunity to take that plane ride!

  26. Looks to me from Colleen's expression that she enjoyed her plane ride quite a bit. We have had a plane for many years and the views from the smaller planes are so much different that the airliners. so glad she got to have this fun experience.

  27. Oh, what a fantastic opportunity for Colleen, dear Ida! I can see she enjoyed her flight...see that delighted smile on her face:)
    Aww! And I loved your getting a peek into your lovely outing!
    Many blessings!

  28. Looks like an exciting experience and one to remember for a lifetime!

  29. That is such a valuable and happy experience for young people, and I'm glad Coleen got to do it. Our kids did something similar at her age. Isn't it wonderful that pilots and others are willing to do this for kids? Great day :)


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