Friday, July 3, 2015

Caption This


Here is the last winner for June's "Caption This" contest.

Jeanne (In Search Of)  with this caption:

Thanks to everyone for joining in on the fun.

The POLL is now up on my sidebar for your voting for June's overall winning caption.

A - Jazz Hands

B - Mardi Gras Flamingos

C-Pelican Gang

D-Walnut Seeking Squirrel


Caption This is going on "hiatus" until September.  The winner for June will be announced next week.


  1. Hi Ida,
    Well, your poll showed up twice on the side bar, so I voted twice -LOL! (But only once in each poll.)
    Happy Independence Day to you and yours my friend.
    :) m & jb

  2. Hi there - I'm back from Alaska, I've got iPhoto up and running again. Actually it's called "Photos" now after upgrading my iMac to the "Yosemite" operating system. I crashed my iPhoto program as well as my daughter's, trying to "stream" too many photos at once I think. Happy 4th to you!

  3. I enjoy this feature. Look forward to its return.

  4. Hello Ida, cute photo and caption! Have a happy 4th of July weekend!

  5. i am just no good at captions.. can never think of a thing, but when i see these, i think how cool is that .

  6. Great and interesting read. Happy holiday!

  7. Great capture and an apt caption, i must say... :-)

    Landed here on your blog from somewhere and I'm so happy I did... :-)

  8. That's too funny. I never expected to put words into squirrley's mouth!

  9. I love your quote with the squirrel. Great picture.

  10. What a cute picture of that squirrel!

  11. i want to vote for "A" but i don't see the poll on your sidebar!!

    peeps are clever, me... not so much!!!!


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