Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Fun - July 31, 2015

Posting some Friday 5's and joining Orange You Glad It's Friday along with sharing some kitty photos.

1.  Here is my shot for OYGIF - The sign at the college for the firefighters.
I am happy to report the fire is 95% contained.

2.  We drove up Scenic Loop today and you could see a small portion of the burn area from the fire.

The burned area is in the middle of the shot.  The fire extend much further back then this shot but we weren't able to drive into the burn area just yet as they are still working on putting the last of the fire out.

3. Spotted this plant growing in someone's parking strip garden (which I'll share more of later on.) - I don't remember what this plant is called though.  If you know let me know and I'll give it a name.  I think it's really pretty though.

Edited:  Mildred from Cattales supplied me with the plant name:  Love Lies Bleeding.  The technical name is:  Amaranthus caudatus  Thanks Mildred.

4.  While on our drive up to the mountains Coleen spotted some deer in someone's yard so I backed up until I could see them decent enough to snap a photo of them.

5.  We took our kitten Bandit in for his rabies shot this morning.  Since he was featured on Monday for Mancat Monday I thought today you could see our female cats.  Someone who commented on Monday said they should be featured on "Femcat Friday" so that's what I'm going to call it for these shots.

 This is Miss Dottie - She is 15 years old

 This is Snickers who is also 15 years old.

Finally a funny shot of Callie-Jo who is 7 years old.  This shot is for Crockett from Lone Star Cats who loves to give "raspberries"

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. sweet kitties! the scorched areas are scary. so glad they've been able to contain it! we're getting into serious fire season here, now.

  2. hello, great news on the fire being contained. The plant is pretty, I like the color. Cute shot of the deer! Your kitties are cute! Great images, enjoy your weekend!

  3. I'm so glad the fire is almost gone.

    I see you like Calico cats. Me, too.

  4. I adore your cats. Love the raspberry, too! The deer shot is so pretty. I think the plant is called something like "Love Lies Bleeding." Not sure though.

  5. Ooooh I love that sign and seeing that those beautiful deer are fine!!

  6. Lovely missing my cat who passed away 2 years ago today.Thanks for visiting my entry♪

  7. What beautiful ladies! Love the shot of the deer.

  8. Beautiful deer and cool cats! And thank God for firefighters!

  9. Sweet photos of your cats! Glad to hear the fire is contained...too bad about the burn area. Hopefully it will grow back more vibrant than ever.

  10. Lovely shots all of them-I grew up with a Miss Dottie twin,my Dad found her under a car hood one early spring and for 18 years she never left his side. She'd always know when he was arriving home, meet and greet him and then they'd come into the house together. :-)

  11. Don't it just hurt your heart to see the burn area? I am glad it is almost contained.

    Love that flower but I don't know what it is..and love your kitty shots!

  12. Nice posting.
    Great fury friend and the beautiful image of the animals out in the woods has to be my favourite.
    Happy weekend!

  13. Loved this post. The cats on the couch are great! The love lies bleeding is superb!

  14. Two fires are raging in the Umpqua basin here. We can see the big mushroom clouds of smoke all the way over here on the coast. So distressing, and it's only August. We need rain! Love your kitties. Beautiful ladies at 15 years old!

  15. I always love your cat photos. Yep, we should all be thankful for the work firefighters do.

  16. So glad that the fire is 95% contained. Great work firefighters!
    Super cute kitty cats! So lovable :)

  17. So glad that the fire is 95% contained. Great work firefighters!
    Super cute kitty cats! So lovable :)

  18. Your cats are so pretty -- love their coloring. I'm sorry about the fires. They are quite bad out west too. I suppose it can make things grow better afterward, but it's still scary. Good for your firefighters! They are heroes.

  19. Hope the fire is history by now and that the countryside is safe. We've had a few fires here in Spain this summer too. Love all the cool cat photos. All the best, Bonny


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