Thursday, July 9, 2015

Good Fences #68 - It's a Jungle Out There

It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

We've been having a long, hot & dry summer here.  I thought I'd be able to spend more time outside but I don't handle the heat very well anymore so I've been staying inside as much as possible.  Thank goodness I have a supply of fence shots to share as I haven't had the desire to drive around and look for any this summer.

A couple of weeks ago the ladies from our church had lunch at one of the local restaurants and I thought it would be neat to share these shots from the decor outside the restaurant.

Click to Enlarge All Photos.

  Look it's an Elephant behind that fence.  Isn't it cool?

 Different view.

 How about a Girafee peeking around that pole at you.  Notice the Christmas lights are still up on this guy.

This shot was taken last year and I shared it because this one doesn't have the light draped around the Giraffe.

They've added a new animal to the mix....

 I really like this shot - That Gorilla looks intense and I don't think that fence would hold him in if this were an actual Gorilla but it still looks pretty cool.

Another view of Mr. Gorilla.

So did you enjoy my Jungle Fence Find? -  I know they made me smile and I'm sure plenty of people who visit the restaurant enjoy them as well.

Don't forget to stop in and check out the other great fences by clicking on the link above which takes you to the fence party.


  1. Just in time for that new scary T.V. series "Zoo". Yes, keep even the plastic ones inside!

  2. very unique art for a restaurant area! thanks, ida!

  3. these are PERFECT good fences. i am thinking maybe the fence is there to keep people from climbing on the animals. I have never seen anything like this and would LOVE TO... glad you found it to show us

  4. What wonderful statues and fences.

    I can't stand the heat like I used to do.

  5. Very unique contribution for Good Fences. I bet these "animals" get lots of looks!

  6. I've never been to a restaurant where the exterior could be destination itself.

    Emma and Buster

  7. I did enjoy your fence finds but I was wondering why they needed a fence around them at all!

  8. Your fence shots today are very amusing and animal themed Ida. I can see why someone would want to have an elephant to advertise an Indian restaurant but why a gorilla or a giraffe? Good fun fences.

  9. Yes, a really great fence find! A zoo without the upkeep and expense. :-)

  10. oooooh i do love these zoo statues, the elephant was my favorite. great, fun fence finds!!!

  11. Quite a whimsical set of decorations for the restaurant. i don't any of those fences would have retained the real creatures. Looks like a fun place.

  12. Oh Ida I laughed when I see the tiny fences to keep in the wildlife:):) Love the elephant kept captive by the pretty fence:) Hugs B

  13. Awe.....this are cute! Several fences today! I'm with you...this Texas heat is more than I can handle.... My hair was dripping this morning, just from going out to water all my plants. Have a good evening...

  14. How interesting to find that at a restaurant, and thank you for sharing them. They are way cool. I like the giraffe!

  15. The "jungle" fences look like they might be there to protect the "animals" from children (and adults) clambering on them. Fun sights at the restaurant.

  16. How wonderful is this?!!!! Joyful, fun, and so unique!! Lovin' it.

  17. Hi Ida, what great fence shots with the interesting animal figures. How fun to see these. Something different to find for sure. It is hot here too and we are going into triple digits for next week. The only way to be outside for long is in the water. We had 3 more inches of rain yesterday. Wish I could send some your way.
    Enjoy and stay cool.
    Hugs, cm

  18. Yes, I enjoyed the animals all fenced in.

  19. Hope you had a great fourth - I can't remember why I missed your post!
    Hard choice to make between the elephant and the giraffe - Is the fence around them a safety measure? Or just decorative ...

  20. That's pretty neat! Maybe we can do something like this in our garden!

  21. Love those African animal sculptures and the beautiful fence enclosing them. Made me wonder, though, what kind of restaurant it was.

  22. Really cool! Big animals behind little fences!

  23. Fun shots of the animal statutes!

  24. Hi Ida,
    I enjoyed your Jungle Fence find.
    Very unique and the animals' statues are quite nicely made.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  25. Awesome! I still say you have the BEST fences, and these figures are so interesting. Great pics, Ida! I don't handle the heat well, either, but thank goodness it's cool and comfortable here on the coast.

  26. Cute fences and animals. It is a jungle, be safe! Have a happy weekend!

  27. Ida I love these fences but I don't think they'd keep any of them in if they wanted out.


  28. Those are fabulous! What unique and FUN finds! I love these and am thrilled that you shared!

  29. This is really cool! Great images!

  30. NOw I know I left a comment on this post so I am going to wait and see if it appears soon!

  31. I did enjoy your jungle themed fence post! How fun!!

  32. These are novel fences that are very good for this post. I like the animals shown this way. The fences are substantial.

  33. Great animal replicas in your pictures. They look real.

  34. Very cool photos, fences, and animals!!

  35. These fences and animal statues are great!

  36. They did make me smile...sure a different type of fence post....

  37. A fun post - love all the 'zoo' animals! xo Karen

  38. Now, that was a one-of-a-kind fence posting! Love those statues. I hope things become a little more comfortable for you soon. It has been hot and dry here n Vancouver as well though it is expected to cool down this weekend. Everyone is hoping for rain because of the many forest fires.

  39. Fun post, Ida. I hope you get some cooler weather soon!

  40. What great decorations at that restaurant. Love the animals inside their little fences. Hard to deal with the heat, so a great idea to stay in and use earlier shots

  41. How fun, my friend :) The animals are so life-like! Hugs to you!

  42. oh, he is a fierce faced gorilla! I do think it's a good thing he is not real, because that fence definitely would not hold him. but what a great and lovely idea to have these little "zoos" on display.

  43. Where in the world did the restaurant owner get those animals!

  44. What a funny menagerie!
    Have a nice weekend :-)


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