Thursday, August 13, 2015

Good Fences #73 - Old MacDonald Had A Farm

 Hello everyone.  Hope you are all doing well and are ready to have some fun.  It's time to join Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report for GOOD FENCES.

You may recall from last week that I told you I would share another fence find that we discovered right across the street from the Monkey Fence (see post below).

I had pulled into a driveway so I could park and walk across the road to take pictures of those monkeys on that chain link fencing.  As I was walking back to where I had parked the van I happened to notice another fence right in front of where I had parked. 

There was some type of an outbuilding/shed and apparently the owners thought it would be fun to get a little creative on the side of the building.

Here is what we saw:  Click to enlarge photos.

This little fence with a bunch of farm animals.
Here is a closer look.  You can see a little farmer boy and a small dog.  Next is the larger dog and a cow.

Here it's just the dog and the cow.

 Another Dog, The Pig (which seems so much larger then the other animals) a couple more Cows and I believe that last animal at the end is a Cat.  It appears to be a bit scruffed up.

This one shows the Cows and the Cat (?) a bit closer.
Do you think Old MacDonald would have had a farm like this? 
I'd say this was just a fun little fence and farm.

Don't forget to stop in at Theresa's blog and check out all the other great fences.  Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. now this is a fun and good fence to share. i love it. the cow is my favorite, but i love all the farm animals.

  2. I love it when people have fun with their decor -- inside and out. Great find!

  3. You find the best fences for fun and amusement! This is so cute, love it!
    Have a fun weekend!

  4. That building is huge compared to the decorative fence:) Old MacDonal's farm is very appropriate here!

  5. Hello Ida, I love the cute yard art and fence. Great find and photos. Enjoy your day!

  6. I also bet there is a Barn Owl hiding around that place.....somewhere:) E-eye-e-eye-oh:)

  7. I like this fence with the farmer boy and animals. Very creative putting up this Old McD's farm.

  8. Ha! Now that's a fun fence!

  9. Just a little bit of time and effort on making that fence has sure made a lot of people smile - me a lot.

  10. Oh, this is great! Someone had some fun! Love it!

  11. What a sweet fence...E-I-E-I O!!

  12. Their shed looks a little worse for the wear but the little animals seem to be having fun.

  13. Such a fun fence ... thanks for sharing.

  14. What a fun looking fence Ida. I enjoyed all your photos :)

  15. hahhaa...this whole neighborhood must be full of fun people...:)

  16. Loved this one, Ida! What an excellent find - with a Moo-Moo here and there :)
    Have a Beautiful Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  17. How cute! I Think Old MacDonald would enjoy it!
    Thanks for visiting and following me! I'll follow you back :-)

  18. Isn't that a fun bit of whimsy! Glad you noticed it. :-)

  19. I wish I could think of stuff like put a big old smile on my face.

  20. Love the creativity of people in your town! This one is so cute :)

  21. I bet Old MacDonald had a farm just like that--e-i-e-i-ooo
    A very huge pig though.

  22. What a cute little fence - I'll bet any passing children (big and little ones) enjoy it.

  23. wow, this is wonderfully fun. I love this creativity :)

  24. I think it's an adorable fence! It looks like someone put a lot of time and effort into those animals!

  25. Very cute Lil fence and farm setting! Glad you find the fence despite being easily missed out.

  26. The additions the owner made added much to the enjoyment of these pictures. Nice job of shooting.

  27. hehehe...i wonder if neighbors are having a little fence contest!!!????

  28. this is so great. I love when people let their inner quirk out to fly!! LOL

  29. You let your inner Funny gal out. Got me laughing alright. Thumbs up!

    Oh those roots of the tree looks as if it wants to strangle the fences in the whole block. Wow!


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