Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday Art and Saturday Critters.

If you are visiting for Feline Friday or Good Fences click on those links to be taken to that post.

Joining in today with Eileen's (Saturday Critters)  and Claudia's
Saturday Art Memes.

First up for Saturday Critters a photo I took of a bunch of crows in a neighbors tree.

We have tons of Crows in the neighborhood.  I actually enjoy leaving food out for them and watching them.  They are quite intelligent birds.

So for the Saturday Art meme I'm using the same photo but edited two very different ways. - I've used textures from Pic Monkey and also Pixel Dust Photo Art.

Here is the first version:

 This one is peaceful and calming.

Next up a more "edgy" version.

Which do you like the best?

Have a wonderful day & thanks for stopping by.


  1. Helli Ida, Cool images of the crows. I really like the "edgy" image. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. i like au naturel or the 2nd one. :)

  3. I like the edgy one best. the first one reminds me of the scenes in the movie The Birds...

  4. Very creative both of them! I like the peaceful photo the best, though.

  5. At first I read 'cows' in tree-haha.
    The combination of the third picture with the wording is good.

  6. Nice, both the images and the text.

  7. Interesting picture to begin with. And your two edits are pretty awesome. Not sure which one I prefer, I like them both.
    Thank you for linking up, Ida.

  8. Two and three is great change.

  9. I prefer the "edgy" version, Ida. Very nice! Crows are unbelievably intelligent. I think many underestimate the extent of their cleverness.

  10. I love the second one! Wonderful shot well-rendered artistically!

  11. Such good work. I enjoy crow's too. They are one bird we see frequently both in Florida and in Oregon. (And hear too.but they sound different. I swear the Florida ones have an accent!.

  12. I LOVE that edgier one... fantastic!! and the quote is great too.
    well done!! :)

  13. Whaow they're both fantastic, Ida. As are the great quotes you've chosen. I liked the first quote best, but I think I slightly preferred the edgy second style. Great job! All the best, Bonny

  14. imagination is worth a lot!
    Herzlich Pippa

  15. I adore them all, but there is something gorgeous about the last one!

  16. I like the third picture the best. The red is nice. Great job and like the quotes too. Have a great Sunday.

  17. Terrific both renditions and matching prose♪

  18. "Quoth the Raven, NEVERMORE"

  19. Wow, I don't know which I like best. Love the quote on the first...but really like the uniqueness of the last one.

  20. I like crows, too. People just need to understand where they're coming from!

  21. Beautiful photos and digital art, Ida!
    Crows are such smart beings that don't get a lot of credit.
    Have a Wonderful Week!
    Peace :)

  22. These are wonderful, Ida. I especially like the first one. I would put it up on the wall in my office. ❤

  23. All nice but I like the last one best.

  24. WOW! You made that photo look AMAZING!

  25. Overall I like the first one best. But, for Halloween type idea's definitely the second one!


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