Thursday, September 10, 2015

Good Fences #77 - A Chorus Line

Hello & Welcome!

It's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES. 

I like to feed birds and squirrels as you probably know if you've visited my blog for very long.  We have a lot of fun watching them.  The little sparrows are the cutest things.  They'll fly down to the sidewalk and parking strip to eat the seeds I leave out and suddenly if a car goes by they all fly at once back to the safety of some bushes near-by.  Sometimes though they will sit on my mom's fence and I just happened one day to have camera in hand when they did it.

Click to enlarge images:

              They remind me of a Chorus line all lined up on the fence.

                                       Make way for a new comer.

                                  The party is over so off we go.

Hope you've enjoyed my little Chorus line of fence sitting sparrows. Don't forget to stop by Theresa's blog and check out all the other participants and their Good Fences.  -  Have a great day.


  1. Now that is adorable! Birds on a fence, gotta love it!

  2. oh my goodness, how cute are they! You really did get the perfect shot (shots!) Love them all!

  3. Hi Id,a that is a big flock of sparrows. It is neat seeing them all lined on the fence, perfect post for your photos. Have a happy day!

  4. Wow, this must be some sort of a national geographic episode of bird tv for your cats.

    Emma and Buster

  5. Wow! Ida! what amazing shots of those cute little sparrows and their fluttering wings! Well done! I love them!

  6. Love those sparrows all lined up! That green fence is great too!

  7. they do travel in packs, monkey see, monkey do!!! great captures and the perfect pictures for today!!!!

    you are killing these fence images!!!!

  8. I always enjoy watching the birds. Your chorus line looks like they were quite entertaining. I like the bird coming in for a landing in the second picture

  9. really adorable little 'rockettes' you were lucky you had the camera

  10. Oh, Ida, I did enjoy these. I love it when moments like this get captured.

  11. Wonderful title for your post. Beautiful photos!! Have a grand day!

  12. Such charming photos. I love your idea of a sparrow chorus line. We have sparrows over here in England too. In fact I'd say they're probably the bird that we have most of. All the best for now, Bonny

  13. Love the birds in flight you captured!

  14. Oh, they are so adorable, all lined up on the fence like that!

  15. Ida, these pictures are darling. I love love love them!!!

  16. These photos are really precious. They would be great framed on a wall.

  17. Great fence pictures with the row of birds.

  18. These are great photos Ida, love how you have caught the ones in flight and your title fits perfectly.

  19. How neat you were able to capture these all in a row. Love them. Thanks for stopping my place today.

  20. Yes, I definitely love your chorus line, very cute.


  21. Hi Ida, what a great fence shot. Love this and the chorus line of birds. Truly a great capture.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, cm

  22. Like the birds on the fence, you captured a great one.

  23. love...Love...LOVE!
    THAT is just the Best. You should enter it in 6 word friday today as GREEN.
    xo, m & jb

  24. I love your living fence decorations! Wonderful pictures.

  25. This is an amazing capture of this many birds in a chorus line. They make a fine subject.

  26. What fun photos! So glad you shared this one with all of us.

  27. These are the sweetest pics of sparrows I've seen. Great capture! I enjoyed listening to Johnny Cash singing "Forty Shades of Green" too. Have a wonderful weekend.

  28. Neat photo! I will see birds filing in on the power lines, but I like the eye level shot of them on the fence.

  29. I knew you'd have something wonderful for Good Fences. I always look forward to it. This one is absolutely delightful!

  30. fences is obviously a great place to socialise :)

  31. I love the birds and the colors...

  32. Ida, you managed to capture these cuties all cuddled together in a group shot! Kudos to you; they're adorable and made me smile!


  33. what fantastic shots!! great job. I love that you captured some in flight too.
    It reminds me of this Pixar short cartoon that is on one of the kids' DVDs -- all these birds crowded on a wire. it's really cute.

  34. THIS is Joyful! Thank you SO Much . . I keep going back to start over - because it's simply fun . . this pictures tickle my heart . . bird party on a green fence.

  35. Thanks Ida for stopping by at my blog.Your chorus line is a real treat to view! A very well focused shot!

  36. You caught some amazing and very interesting moments.

  37. What an awesome lovely series, this made my day :-)


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