Thursday, September 17, 2015

Good Fences #78 - Wild Rose Fence

Hello! - Hope you are having a wonderful day. - It's raining here today which is a bit of a pain but so needed so I'm not going to complain to hard.

It's time for some GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

Since technically it's still summer here for 6 days I'm sharing a summer fence shot today.

This lovely white corner fence supported some pretty wild roses this summer.  Found this one in an alley a couple of blocks down the street from where we live.

Another view also showing the house next to it and another fence.

Finally just a view of the roses themselves because they are so pretty.

I have a busy day today so I may not get around to visiting your blogs right away but I'll eventually get there.


  1. Stunning! You know me and roses....I love them :) Have a wonderful day, Ida! Hugs

  2. Hello Ida, I love the pretty roses and the fence scene. Great captures. Enjoy your day!

  3. Hello Ida, I love the pretty roses and the fence scene. Great captures. Enjoy your day!

  4. i like the shape of the fence, so very different and of course the roses make it even better. lovely sight for the eyes. enjoy your busy day

  5. A really pretty sight to behold! The roses are just right blooming as they are over the wonderful White of the fence!

  6. Oh, I love roses on a fence. those are really pretty. Yep, summer is almost gone. SAD.

  7. I love those corner fences! Those roses are stunning with their yellow centers. Wow!

  8. Such a pretty little fence surrounded by the roses.

  9. How very beautiful!!!! They are really beautiful roses! Wishing you well!

  10. Very pretty little fence and roses. I have the same roses, but not nearly so abundant. They are called 'Joseph's Coat'! I love that the trim on the house matches their beautiful colors. Raining here, too! xo Karen

  11. Roses on a white fence...doesn't get much better than that!

  12. I love the colors in each single rose! Beautiful roses AND fence! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  13. Glad you took the time to share this lovely cottage all fenced in.

  14. Nothing is nicer than a white fence and a rambling rose! Lovely photos!

  15. Fantastic! Beautiful fence and flowers!

  16. Oh they are gorgeous and I like the fences too!

  17. nice fence and the roses are pretty. I didn't get around to blogs yesterday. I tried but was too darn tired to comment so I took a nap instead :)

  18. Hard to beat a wild rose fence photo. It's truly lovely Ida. Have a great weekend :)

  19. gorgeous blooms. i love your header shots too. so fall. my fave. i had another thing to say & suddenly my brain is totally blank. i might be back if i can recall what i was going to say. oh pooh, i dislike when that happens. oops. doing to much at once. ( :

  20. Hi Ida, love this fence with the roses growing so beautifully. This fence looks a bit like the one I shared for the horse corral. Very pretty roses too.
    Enjoy the last days of summer and wishing you a great fall.
    Hugs, cm

  21. Nice! I love how the riotous splash of those flowers contrasts with the white fence posts.

  22. What a gorgeous scene! I like everything about it.

  23. As delicious as a birthday cake!


  24. Such wonderful fence captures!
    Cheerful compositions!

  25. Hi Ida, I love the lush rose bush and its beautiful roses. The white pretty fence makes it a pretty picture!

  26. These wild roses have great varied color. Where I used to live I had a wild rose, but the blossoms were smaller and red alone. They soon faded, but it was fun to see them blossom.

  27. I love both the roses and the fence!!

  28. That is so pretty. It's a shame to hide it in an alley.

  29. Another great fence find, decorated beautifully!!

  30. wow, your images is screaming SPRING! Wish we were there right now :)

  31. this is so beautiful!! It's exactly what I think of when considering planting a rose bush: pinkish roses and a white fence. beautiful capture.

  32. Beautiful roses! So charming with the fence!

  33. A beautiful find, those roses are so lovely and what a charming fence!

  34. Beautiful roses and a very nice fence too, Ida! We have rain here as well (on Saturday). So glad for you and for us. As you said, it is much needed.

  35. Sooooo pretty! Now, don't make me sorry to see summer go. I was kind of looking forward to winter this year.

  36. WE had wild roses on the farm I grew up on. I loved them so! Thanks for sharing them today.. You gave me an idea of something new I should plant :)


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