Thursday, September 3, 2015

Good Fences and Good Cookies

Before I share my (Good Fences) shots today I am joining in with a Facebook Group called, Fill The Cookie Jar.  This month's theme:  Fall Favorites.

I wanted something that reminded me of Fall and at first thought about doing something like an Apple Filled  Streusel cookie and then I found this recipe on for Peanut Butter Streusel Cookies.  The "struesel" topping sounded pretty cool and so I got busy and made up a batch of these cookies. - I want to say that I did add a simple glaze of powdered suger, milk and vanilla to drizzle over the top of my cookies.  This was not part of the original recipe but I like how it added to the cookie.  I'll be making these again and not just in the fall.

And because one photo just isn't enough.....

Hope you give them a try.

So now it's time to join Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

Since summer is almost over and fall is soon upon us (offically on the 23rd of Sept.) I thought I'd share a summer fence shot before it's over & gone for another season.

I spotted this fencing and thistle out on a walk to photograph the Pelicans earlier this summer.  I'm not sure what the other wild flower by the post is but it's pretty.

Here's a cropped version showing a little more detail of the fence, wire.

Hope you've enjoyed both the Good Fences and the Good Cookies.  Think I'll go have one now with a nice hot cup of coffee to start the morning off.


  1. Nice photos of the fences. But, oh my goodness, those cookies look oh so delicious!! Thank you!

  2. My, but those cookies look good! Just might have to try baking some!
    Very nice shot of the fence too!
    Have a great day!

  3. Now that's a splendid idea, eat cookies while viewing Good Fences posts!

  4. I love cookies, they are my favorite things to bake and eat of course!

  5. Lovely fence images, the colors and flowers are pretty! Enjoy your day!

  6. I love the fence and thistle shot! And those cookies look irresistible. I better not make them until we're having company. Lol

  7. Love seeing the Thistle likef lowrers against this fence

  8. Oh my lands, those cookies look delicious! I'm droolin'.
    Love the fence shots, too. Beautiful photos!
    Have a great Thursday!

  9. Streusel and glaze on a cookie. Oh that just screams fall to me.

    And your fence photo is lovely too.

  10. Nice fence shot and ohhhhh those cookies. The glaze makes them irresistible.

  11. the cookies look divine!!! and i love fences.. what a fun subject.

  12. the thistles are fine fence accompaniments. :)

  13. Love the fence shots, Ida! And the cookies look great!

  14. Those cookies look so yummy. That made me very hungry. That is a great fence. Have a good day.

  15. Love the cookies, but that IS a nice fence, too. Even the barbed wire. I still like barbed wire even if it did attack me when I was a teenager (still have the scars to prove it!).

  16. Love your post and the cookies are not on my diet except for eye candy!

  17. "drizzle" made me salivate.

    The fence is nice but we battle those thistles tooth and nail.

  18. Hello Ida, Your cookies look so tasty! Fun way to share cookie recipes!
    I love your fence photo, too. Thistle grows near us and the butterflies just love it. Wishing you and your entire family a nice weekend.
    John had a bad fall yesterday so we will have a quiet weekend at home.

  19. Those cookies look scrumptious!

    I like thistles. They're unpopular because of thorns and being a *weed*, but the birds and butterflies love them.

  20. Those cookies look great! Wish I could reach right through the screen and grab one. Love your fence photos, too.

  21. That's a nice looking fence but I like the looks of those cookies a whole lot better :P I could go for a whole plate of those right now

  22. Well now, you definitely have me drooling!! Got milk?

    Love your fence images...colorful, artful, and such great composition.

  23. That's a great fence and the thistles are a nice addition!

  24. Beautiful fence shots!

  25. I love the Peanut Butter Streusel cookies. They remind me of back to school and streusel is always a favorite on fall desserts.

  26. What a beautiful fence! You got your focus just right to show it off the very best. Your cookies look incredible! Wish I could have one...or two! heehee! Hugs!

  27. A very neat picture of the fence and wildflowers and the cookies look good too.

  28. These cookies look so yummy! I love the topping and the icing on them. Your photos are also stunning. Thank you for being a part of the Fill The Cookie Jar group.

  29. Your cookies look very yummy, I am tempted to try them!
    I also like your fence photos - they have a dream like quality which I love.

  30. Those cookies look amazing. I bet they taste as good as they look. The fence shot is well framed. Great shot Ida.

  31. The cookies look delicious...I love peanutbutter cookies....and I love those fence shot/s....

  32. Those cookies look so very good. Like little mini cakes.
    Great Fence photo too.

  33. Those cookies look delicious Ida, and those fence photos are very pretty. I love the light in them.

  34. Gosh those cookies look wicked. I love the sun-dappled summer fence, and would be all in favour of trying to hold onto those summer vibes for as long as we can. Sadly, back in cold grey London, we're debating whether or not to put the heating on ... which isn't exactly where my late summer vibes should be leading me. All the best, Bonny

  35. The thistle adorned fence is fab Ida but the cookies look too scrumptious, oh my that glaze, every cookie should have a glaze :)

  36. That is a pretty heavy-duty fence. Nice shots.
    I love your header, too.

  37. Well, this is a lesson in composition. You have a wonderful eye for beauty and part of that is the way you compose your pictures. I love this fence and thistle shot ... But on to more important things ... Cookies! They look delicious and I would definitely be trying them out if I weren't starting on my "Thailand Diet". I will be going to Thailand in February to my sons Thai wedding and I need to lose a few pounds, so it is definitely diet time. But I think your idea of a glaze over the Streusel is perfect especially because it will keep the streusel from falling off just as you are trying to bite into it. Great posts, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  38. I think those are the prettiest cookies. I bet they taste even better.
    I love your fence shot too. Have a lovely Friday.

  39. Oh those cookies look delicious! And I love the idea of mixing some vanilla with the icing sugar.
    The contrast between fence and thistle is really cool. I like the difference in the textures and the idea of something structured and something growing wild. it's an interesting juxtaposition.

  40. Wow delicious cookies and nice fences. Love from Poland. gosia

  41. Still the best fences! Love this rustic fence with the thistle and the different colors of paint showing. And, yum! Those cookies! Heading to the kitchen to get some pie and ice cream now!

  42. Dearest Ida; OMG, how delicious your cookies are♡♡♡ I LOVE them but don't bake(^^;) Beautiful pictures of fence with sweet wild flower♫♫♫
    Wishing you are having a wonderful weekend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  43. Hi Ida, love the cookie jar fill. They sure look delicious!! Great fence shot too. Hope you enjoy a nice long holiday weekend. Hugs, cm

  44. Sorry for making the rounds so late! I was absolutely thrilled when I saw you linked up for this months Fill the Cookie Jar. Your cookie looks absolutely delicious. I have never had a peanut butter cookie with struesel before. I need to remedy that asap, and bake these.
    So glad you made it!

  45. oh man those cookies look soooooo good and the image is awesome!!!

    i love the fence also!!!! it takes a great eye to see the potential in that!!!

    have a great rest of the weekend!!!!!

  46. Those look so amazing, Ida! I want a batch :)


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