Sunday, September 13, 2015

One-Four Challenge - Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of the One Four Challenge hosted by Robyn (Captivate Me).

About the challenge and how it works:
  • This challenge is about processing 1 image in 4 different ways over 4 weeks.
  • We will all  process / post edit (our own chosen image) and share a different version each week. Process it however you like… and tell us a bit about it. You don’t have to show the original image unless you’d like to.  (I’m going to show mine in week 4 along with the 4 variations from the month). Others show theirs from the start. The choice is yours.
  • Try new things, experiment.  Be as creative or subtle as you wish to be. All skill levels are welcome.
  • Each week starts again on Monday (Aussie time) and closes off the following Sunday (at the end of the day), so there is a whole week for you to create your post, link up here and tag your post.

Here is my edited version this week:

Click to enlarge:

For this weeks edit I edited my photo on Pixlr-o-matic  I used one of their photo edits called (Antonio) then added a texture (Worn)  to give it a bit of a vintage feel and finally added a grunge frame to the edges.

After that I went back into Pic Monkey to add a simple frame to complete the look I wanted.

Here is last weeks edit so you can see the changes that I made.

Don't forget to stop by Robyn's blog and check out the other participants.  You'll find their links in the comment section of the challenge.


  1. The last one was very nice but this one WOW. I am a big fan of textures and grunge. For some reason I just really like that look. Awesome job on this one

  2. Very cool - has an old time outdoorsy feel to it!

  3. You sure achieved the old feel to it. Very well done.

  4. beautiful really does wonderful things to the image!!! this looks like a fun challenge!!!!

  5. hello, pretty image and I love the deer and quote! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  6. That looks great! I love what you did this week and last and can't wait to see what you do with it next week. I went to Robyn's blog but couldn't find a linky party. I saw where she referred to making a link but maybe she just meant comment?

  7. It really does have a vintage feel now! Thanks for letting us know about these great ways to have fun with your pictures!

  8. I see you've discovered Pixlromatic - I think I like it a lot better than Stackables where the results tend to have a very similar look.

  9. You have such an amazing skills, Ida! Glad that I stopped by at your talented blog.
    Hope you remember me. :)

  10. So interesting! :) And a beautiful shot to begin with!

  11. I like this edit. I may see if I can do this challenge next month...hmmm...

  12. i like it and i can see all the subtle differences. this is fun

  13. I Love the old time feel to this!! very nice.

  14. I like the worn vintage effects. For the subject matter it fits real well. Nicely done ..!!!
    Isadora 😎

  15. nice shot and editing..

  16. You are so good at editing! I love the painterly look of this and what a sweet capture of that deer!

  17. Oh Ida, I really like your treatment for week 2 as well.
    It's very appealing!! Nicely done 😃


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