Tuesday, October 20, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration - Day 20

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on this series that I've been doing this month. - If I don't personally reply back to your comment please know that I appreciate each and every one. 

Here is today's Inspiration:

Be respectful of others and be humble. - Have a blessed day.


  1. These yellow flowers are very inspiring !!
    Great photo ! Greetings !

  2. very pretty flowers. That's a good quote too

  3. being humble is easy 4 some, but at times more difficult. ( ;

  4. Hi Ida

    I scrolled through your posts to look at all your inspiration posts. I enjoyed both your beautiful photography and the quotes you chose to use use. This was such a nice idea!

  5. Oh I love the idea of daily inspirational posting.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Great quote, Ida. And the sunny yellow flowers are delightful!

  7. Sorry I haven't been by recently. I love your inspirational posts you are doing. Very nice, and beautiful pictures.

  8. another great one! I have gotten such an uplift of Spirit this month from reading all your quotes and seeing your lovely images!! I've been battling a cold, but somehow each quote is just giving me a nice outlook to carry on! thanks for sharing this series with us.

  9. another great one! I have gotten such an uplift of Spirit this month from reading all your quotes and seeing your lovely images!! I've been battling a cold, but somehow each quote is just giving me a nice outlook to carry on! thanks for sharing this series with us.


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