Friday, October 9, 2015

31 Days of Inspiration Day 9

If you are visiting for Good Fences click on the link to that post:
Here is today's Inspirational quote:


Hope this brings a smile to your face. - Don't forget to smile today, you never know how that might brighten someone's day.


  1. that's a great quote and an awesome picture!!!!

  2. Smiles can be priceless, that's for sure!

  3. So so sweet! Love the texture of the tree bark!

  4. That quote is very true. Love the photo too.

  5. Doesn't a smile just make your day?

    At one post office I had a big challenge. I had a lady that was always sour. No matter what I did, I could not get her to smile, not once in an entire year! Finally I decided to shock her...hoping for a smile. I said, I am going home tonight and do a rain dance naked in the moonlight. Surely that will work cause we need rain. Not one smile did I get then but the next morning after a late night rain, she was grinning from ear to ear and said, I know what you did last night!!! Finally, I had a smile!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Another wonderful and inspiring post, thank you! x Karen

  7. Isn't that a wonderful quote. What an outstanding, dear, sweet photo!

  8. Oh what a lovely quote and image. I try to smile all the time.

    Emma and Buster

  9. Hello
    I wish you a nice weekend!

  10. my goodness what a fabulous photo and of course Mother Theresa quotes are some of the best ever... happy weekend to you.

  11. What a gorgeous photo! I have been trying for a long time to get a photo like that of my squirrel friend. Wonderful!

  12. I am smiling as i type, he/she is adorable and I have one of his distant cousins on my post today.

  13. I think I've already smiled. But I'll try again!

  14. Yep - smiling!!
    even though I do have to clean my house for my Thanksgiving dinner, but I will carry the smile through all those boring tasks and remember that soon my table will be surrounded with laughter, love and good food!


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