Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Black and White Wednesday & 31 Days of Inspiration Day 7


 Joining Adrienne (My Memory Art) for:
BLACK & WHITE WEDNESDAYS - This also covers my 31 Days of Inspiration.

Have a beautiful day & remember to see those small things in your life as something so much bigger.


  1. A perfect picture for a perfect day! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, some days need more reminding than others...It is rainy and cold here today, and I scheduled today to get a bunch of yard work done as the rest of my week is busy. Plugging through and coming in frequently to get warmed up. I hope you're having a lovely day.

  3. this is simple and oh so beautiful.

  4. Lovely black and white and thoughts.

  5. Good advise and something I try to do each day. : )

  6. Oh this one is awesome. Love the sepia tone and the quote is just perfect.

  7. Beautiful photo and very inspirational words ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  8. and one day you find that the little things become big things!!! i really like this!!!!

  9. Mother Theresa was so wise! Lovely image! x K

  10. A book, music notes, monochrome - a few of my favorite things!

  11. I love this, Ida! Is that your photo that you added the quote to? I am a follower of Mother Teresa. She is up for canonization next year. ❤

  12. Lovely soft black and white with a great subject.

    I have had a stressful week here with my fur baby who has severe renal failure. Today he actually ate and seems a bit improved but have to wait til Monday to see if what we are doing now is enough. This is why I am late commenting on my b 7 w Wed. posts.

  13. Your photo is quite serene and the quote fits it so well.

  14. Outstanding black and white photo! Great subject for it.

  15. LOVE this!!! I think I found my new favourite quote.


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