Thursday, October 15, 2015

Good Fences #82 and 31 Days of Inspiration Day 15

 Welcome! - It's a great day to be alive.

Let's join Theresa froom (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

While out on a drive one day I spotted some geese in a yard and decided to take some photos. - There were fences there so I figured why not use them for Good Fences.

Here they are looking through the fence.

 Here they are looking over the fence.

This group escaped the fence and headed into the drive way.  Some of these are white while others are that "dirty" gray color.
And finally for 31 Days of Inspiration......
 Don't you just love that birdhouse next to the fence.

Remember to surround yourself with positive people and do your best.

Have a great day.


  1. I do agree with the quote and i do really like that birdhouse. i had to giggle that they put the wire on the wood fence to keep them inside but they still escaped.

  2. Hello Ida, I love the geese and the fence captures. Great post. Have a happy day!

  3. It's been my experience that geese who 'escape' think they own the road-haha
    Great Quote for inspiration.

  4. Why not is right! Very lovely catch and they all seem to be enjoying life!

  5. Oh, Ida, these are great. Love the Inspiration...

  6. First class bird house more a hotel than a house LOL and your geese shots are lovely...I love geese!

  7. Good fence finds and the gaggle of geese add to the fun! The birdhouse is fantastic!

  8. Awesome....yes, love the birdhouse, and my favorite photo today is the 3rd from the top. Great spotting of the geese...they just set the right atmosphere for the fencing if you ask me.

  9. Great quote.

    I hope the geese know how famous they are now.

  10. I bet there was some honking going on!

  11. I do love that fancy birdhouse and the fence and birds, too!

  12. Nice fence and that is an awesome bird house. The quote is perfect for the picture of the geese. They look like a group of friends out for a friendly stroll :)

  13. That last pic does it - also the quote! You saw it very keenly - I am happy whenever I'm around art:) Thanks for visiting me today!

  14. Ida - Love your pictures with the geese! Darling.

    Thanks for visiting 20 North Ora.


  15. That red birdhouse over the geese must be like a grand five-star hotel for the lucky birds that find it!

  16. Those are some lovely geese! I need a few!

  17. love your fall header. i really enjoy the red birdhouse. so fancy. goose shots. ( :

  18. As a matter of fact, the photo with the birdhouse is my favorite! They are all great shots though.

  19. A great message Ida, one I need to remember!! I'll take one of those bird houses ;)

  20. All these photos are great Ida. I think that last one with the inspirational quote would make a great greeting card.

  21. Looks like they are having a major discussion.
    The bird house is too cute. :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  22. Hi Ida! Thank you for your visits and kind words! I love your duck pictures! And that owl towel you got in the!! Love that neat coffee mug as well.

  23. Hello Ida!:) I do like the bird house, and all your fence pictures with contented plump geese. I laughed at your comment about the guy on the bicycle, I was wondering when someone would mention how fit he looked.:))

  24. That birdhouse is wonderful! I love geese, and used to love following them around my Auntie's yard when I was a kid.
    Perfect quote to start my day. I needed that one this morning.
    Have a wonderful day.

  25. Ida, those are some big geese....looks like Christmas Dinner! Good fence.

  26. How fun! Geese always make me smile! That is an incredible birdhouse!

  27. I thought at first those geese had their wings clipped and were stuck behind the fence. Good to see they can wander about and make lots of noise.

  28. well, fence or not, birds go as they please :)

  29. Family business is thriving in the compound!

  30. Who ever Epictetus is was right!

  31. Very nice! Great how you got them both behind and in front of the fence!

  32. You know how I love your Good Fences posts so I had to stop here, too. It's not just that you find good fences and take good photos, but you have an eye for what's going on in those little scenes you come upon. You're very observant and creative. There's a lot going on inside you and I love that your photography gives you a way to express it.

  33. that is a pretty white fence, but oh my that birdhouse!!! My aunt has a similar one on her farm, right next to the sheep pasture. I should see if I have her old fence in a picture with it!!

    Definitely important truth of life that you the company you keep, can make all the difference.

  34. You have inspired me to read other quotes by Epictetus...thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog.

  35. Love the bird house very much. Thank you for the reminder :)


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