Monday, October 12, 2015

One Four Challenge - Week2 & 31 Days of Inspiration Day 12

 Joining Robyn (Captivate Me) for the One Four Challenge today & combining my edit with my 31 Days of Inspiration:

Click to enlarge all images.

Week 2
For this weeks edit I went to Tuxpi Photo Editor and used the Shape Editor feature which allows you to add a shape to your photo and converts the remainder of your photo into Black/White. -  After adjusting the shape to the size and area I want to hightlight I saved the photo.  Then I went back to Pic Monkey to add the inspirational quote.

Week 1

Original SOOC Image

Wishing you love in your heart and joy in your life.  May you have a wonderful week.  - Thanks for stopping by.


  1. the edit is perfect, the black and white brigs out the pink of the flowers and the heart makes it fit with the quote. beautiful

  2. Lovely photo. I like the heart shape with words in it and then the color also. Beautiful
    photo to send to someone special.

  3. This is a nice touch, its a shame the statue wasnt fully included but its a nice idea, one I havent seen before

  4. Some good inspiration and some beautiful flowers to go along with it...

  5. Really nice editing on this photo. It makes the color pop.

  6. Interesting effect. I'm not familiar with it.

  7. I like how you did this, very clever (I notice that my comments are not showing up in your past posts, weird)...

  8. Hi Ida, This is so lovely how you made the heart vs black and white. Is that your software program that does that? Very nice. Thanks for visiting me.


  9. Hi Ida, This is so lovely how you made the heart vs black and white. Is that your software program that does that? Very nice. Thanks for visiting me.


  10. I like what you did here with the heart and words.

  11. This IS a lovely idea. Really like the selected colour only within the heart. Very nice Ida!

  12. Interesting idea, and it works well. I can see this as a greeting card or something you would send a friend or love one as a pick me up. :D


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