Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday's Critters - February 20, 2016

 Hello & Welcome.

I'm joining Eileen (Viewing Nature with Eileen) today for SATURDAY'S CRITTERS.

Yesterday in my Willy-Nilly Friday Five post I featured a photo of some deer we saw while out and about the other day.  Today I thought I would share a few more of those photos.

This is one of the first one's we spotted as we pulled over to take some photos.  I've cropped this photo to get a closer view of the deer.

 This photo shows how far away they were.  I did not have the "zoom" on the lens in this shot.  - As you can see in the background there is a house beyond all that brush.

 When we first spotted the deer we could only see 2 but then they were joined by others.

Now there are four.

 Across the field those four will soon be joined by these 2.

Here they are looking towards the others across the field.  You can see the white on the underside of their them the name: White-Tail Deer.

Let's make that 3 as another one emerged out of the bushes to join them and off they went to join the others.

 In this shot there are now 7 deer.

Another view of some of the small herd that gathered in the field.

Finally a review of yesterday's photo with 8 deer although I think we did count 9 by the time we left.

 I always enjoy seeing deer in the wild.  This particular area is surrounded by homes and a church is on the other side of the field to the left and across the road is a skate-board park and a soccer field.  The deer don't seem to mind the traffic driving by at all.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing my "critters" today.  Have a wonderful day.


  1. Live all the Deer shots. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. What a joy to see deer in the wild.

  3. So glad you were able to stay around to take these great photos of the deer! They seem to be playing & having so much fun!

  4. Oh what great shots. I always see wildlife when we drive to church and never have my camera! I'm going to take it tomorrow. You reminded me!
    Thanks for coming by and seeing my 'undercover kitty' I love the caption you gave.
    I think I'll add it.
    BTW I'm following you now. I thought I was but I guess not.
    I'll be starting a new linky on the First the America The Beautiful Hometown Tour.
    I'd love you to write a post about your town or area something to lure me for my summer vacation!
    Thanks for coming by and giving me a great caption!
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  5. Ida, I see that your live in deer heaven too

  6. Those are fantastic! Very nice background, too!

  7. Nice story and photos of the deer, Ida!
    In our new location, there aren't any deer, so I particularly enjoyed your post.
    Have a Beautiful Weekend!
    Peace :)

  8. You were lucky to see so many together Ida.
    I can tell they are on high alert - ears pointed listening for every sound.
    Not many have their heads down eating!
    Great shots indeed.

  9. I love seeing deer, no matter where, no matter how many! BTW, I love your header shot.

  10. What a lovely series of photos, Ida! Such beautiful critters.
    Have a happy Sunday and a great new week!

  11. Hello, wow so many deer. Great sighting and photos. I love to see the deer. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  12. amazing to see so many in one place, i would just love to see them..

  13. That is cool (experience). i have never really been that close to see deer. Wild turkeys? yes. Deer? no.

  14. I love these photos of the deer Ida. You have taken great shots. Happy Sunday to you :)

  15. I liked seeing the "willy nilly" playfulness . . .
    Thanks . . .

  16. I've had a super busy week, Ida, but wanted to stop and tell you how I enjoy and appreciate the photos. I'm so glad to see that none of these deer have that "bummer of a birthmark" on them. That has always been my favorite Far Side cartoon!

  17. What a treat to see the long as they aren't eating anyone's tulips. lol

  18. lol, the dears seem to have fun chasing each other :)

  19. I enjoy seeing deer a lot. My MIL not so much, they always forage through her garden, eating everything that resembles green - LOL

  20. Your photos are just awesome...some of them look like oil paintings. You sure know your way around that camera of yours.

  21. Beautiful captures of the deer in the wild.

  22. This could almost be a kids counting book - so much fun!!!

  23. It has been a long time since I saw that many deer in one spot...they used to be thick at the strip pits but now seldom see more than 2 o3 and those not all the time.

  24. Blessings I enjoyed your Saturday critters.
    I can't wait to see those fields in the spring!

    Have a grand week.

  25. I love seeing deer in the wild,I had some come through on Sat.but didn`t have my camera handy & they had been spooked,nice shots,thanks for sharing,phyllis!

  26. they always seem to travel in pretty large groups.....and you know they are my favorites!!!!

  27. I love spotting deer ..l when we lived at the Lake in Oregon I would see them on my walks ..lever this many though . That was a great drive...thanks for sharing it!


  28. The deed is a beautiful capture. We see them here almost every day (since I live at 3000 feet)
    Come join my new meme/challenge called Seasons from Monday, Tue. to wed.8 am - it will be fun -you can use of these, or archive pics!

  29. Oh my, that's a lot of deer in one place. They sure look like they are having fun, and don't have any worries about the humans.

  30. I like deer! Nice to see your pictures of them!

  31. We had 18 the other day. We still have snow and they are in their winter yard out our back 40!

  32. So nice! I love it when I am driving our country roads and you spot deer in the field. My last trip I only spotted a lot of wild turkey, but had no camera with me. My cell camera would not have captured them way back at the tree line.


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